Rules of Engagement
A set of 60 affirmations is displayed bellow. Read each one carefully and on sheet of paper write the following:
- 1 - If the statement is true;
- 0 - If the statement is false;
This is a self-diagnose of the tendencies of your personality. Sometimes the answer "true or false" might not clear, but think it over.
Self Diagnose
1. A say "YES" a lot, when most times I want to say "NO".
2. I defend my point of view and rights without attempting against others.
3. When I don't know a person, I try to dissimulate what I think and feel.
4. I am, most of times, authoritarian and decided.
5. Generally it is easier to act through another person than directly.
6. I am not afraid to criticize others and tell them what I think.
7. I don't dare to refuse certain tasks that are appointed to me, despite of not being part of my attributions.
8. I am not afraid to giving my opinion, even while facing hard interlocutors.
9. When there is debate, I will stay out of it and just watch how it goes.
10. Several times I'm censured and pointed as having a contradicting spirit.
11. I have difficulties listening to others.
12. I do everything that I can to remain in the background, and I'm having success with that.
13. In general, I am considered "sneaky" in my relations with others.
14. I keep my relations with others based on "trust" and "confidence" rather than on "domination" and "calculism".
15. I never ask from help from friends, they might believe that I am not competent.
16. I am shy and I have blockings when I try to accomplish something unusual.
17. They call me "cupcake", makes me anger and others laugh.
18. I am pretty relaxed towards face-to-face relations.
19. I scam a lot, it's the best way to get what I want.
20. I speak a lot, I interrupt others and I don't even realize that.
21. I am very ambitious and I am ready to do whatever it takes to reach my goals.
22. In general I know what needs to be done, that is important to succeed.
23. When disagreeing I seek realistical commitments based on mutual agreement.
24. I always "place the cards on the table".
25. I have a natural tendency to leave for later my tasks.
26. I often leave my work in half and don't finish it, ever.
27. In general I show who I really am, and don't hide nothing.
28. A lot is needed to intimidate me.
29. Spreading fear into others might be a good way to keep power.
30. When criticizing anyone (to be done...)
30 more to go.