This page explains the workflow for submitting FWN articles to Fedora Insight. It is an adaptation of the FWN publication process to the Fedora Insight platform, and is part of the Fedora Insight Workflow series.
How to submit a beat
If you are interested in becoming a beat writer, see NewsProject/Join for instructions.
If you are already a beat writer, nothing about your process has changed. You will submit their beats to the Fedora Project wiki as you have been doing before; instructions for this are described at FWN/WorkFlow.
For beat writers, Fedora Insight is another outlet for the content they are writing; the FWN editor will republish FWN via Fedora Insight in the same way that other Fedora Insight content is syndicated or republished via FI, such as Fedora Planet postings, news from lists, event reports, etc.
But if you're a beat writer, nothing has changed. You simply submit your beat on the wiki the same way you have always been doing, and it will automatically be brought onto Fedora Insight.
How to edit a beat
The most straightforward way to republish FWN content to Fedora Insight is to copy each wiki-rendered beat from a given FWN issue and submit these as individual publications for the FWN publication type:
Submit each of these in the order in which you want them to appear.