Fedora — современная свободная операционная система — продолжает каждые полгода доносить инновации до множества пользователей. Мы представляем последний и самый лучший, по нашему мнению, выпуск Fedora — Fedora 13! Присоединяйтесь и делитесь с друзьями и семьёй радостью использования свободного программного обеспечения и взаимодействия с нашим сообществом. У нас есть несколько важных особенностей, нацеленных на десктопы, нетбуки, виртуализацию и системное администрирование.
Что же нового в Fedora 13?
Для пользователей
Огромное количество нововведений:
- Изящный установщик. Внешний вид Anaconda (установщика Fedora) был изменён: теперь управление накопителями и разметкой просто как никогда, с полезными подсказками в нужных местах. Спасибо Крису Люменсу (Chris Lumens) и команде Anaconda, а также Майрин Даффи (Máirín Duffy), лидеру команды Fedora Desing, за новый интерфейс.
- Автоматическая установка драйвера для принтера. Мы используем мощь RPM и PackageKit для автоматической установки драйверов, таким образом, когда вы подключите принтер, Fedora автоматически запросит установку драйвера, если потребуется. Спасибо, Тим Вог (Tim Waugh) и Ричард Хагес (Richard Hughes).
- Новый приложения и улучшения. Каталог фотографий Shotwell, ПО для резервного копирования Deja-dup, Identi.ca/Twitter-клиент Pino и утилита для сканирования Simple Scan — всё в стандартной поставке для увеличения удобства использования «из коробки». Palimpsest — утилита для управления накопителями, теперь умеет работать с LVM и RAID. И так же как и в предыдущих выпусках Fedora 13 поставляется с улучшенной поддержкой веб-камер. Ханс де Гоеде (Hans de Goede) из Red Hat специально работал над улучшением работы камер с двумя режимами.
- Новый NetworkManager с улучшенной поддержкой широкополосных мобильных сетей, Bluetooth и новыми консольными командами. NetworkManager был впервые включен в Fedora 7, с тех пор он стал де-факто стандартным конфигуратором сетевых устройств во многих дистрибутивах. Сейчас NetworkManager является «комбайном», покрывающим большинство ваших потребностей, связанных с настройкой подключения к сети: dial-up, broadband, wifi и даже bluetooth. В Fedora 13 NetworkManager привнёс несколько улучшений: работа с широкополосными мобильными сетями стала ещё удобнее: теперь виден уровень сигнала; включена поддержка старых bluetooth-модемов (DUN) и добавлена поддержка консольных команд через nmcli в добавление к улучшенному графическому интерфейсу. Спасибо Дену Виллиамсу (Dan Williams) из Red Hat за его огромный вклад.
- Управление цветом. Вам хотелось бы, чтобы печать выглядела как на экране или вывод со сканера был неотличим от оригинала? Color Management из пакета gnome-color-manager позволяет задавать и контролировать цвета для дисплеев, принтеров и сканеров. Благодарности Ричарду Хагсу (Richard Hughes) из Red Hat за участие в апстриме проекта и Fedora.
- Улучшенная поддержка iPod. Новые модели Apple iPod, iPod Touch и iPhone поддерживаются вашими любимыми каталогами фотографий и музыкальными проигрывателями, к примеру Rhythmbox. Устройства автоматически подключаются через библиотеку libimobiledevice, таким образом вы можете проще управлять их содержимым.
- Усовершенствованная поддержка буферизации и потокового воспроизведения в Totem. Видеопроигрыватель Totem и дополнения к веб-браузерам теперь лучше обрабатывают большие потоковые медиа-данные, такие как видео высокого качества (HD) и подкасты — всё благодаря новой дисковой буферизации в GStreamer.
- Поддержка 3D для видеочипов ATI (R600 и R700) через драйвер Radeon. С выходом Fedora 13, поддержка 3D для множества видеокарт ATI перестала быть экспериментальной и теперь включена по умолчанию. Для последнего поколения (R800) поддержка 2D также включена в этот выпуск. Спасибо Дейву Арли (Dave Airlie) из Red Hat and многим другим.
- Экспериментальная поддержка 3D в свободном драйвере Nouveau для чипов NVIDIA. В этот выпуск также добавлена экспериментальная поддержка 3D для широкого круга видеокард NVIDIA, тем самым открыв больше свободных возможностей для работы с видео. Установите пакет mesa-dri-drivers-experimental чтобы опробовать, но помните: работа над драйвером всё ещё идёт. Спасибо Бену Скеггсу (Ben Skeggs) из Red Hat за помощь сообществу и проекту Fedora.
- Усовершенствования в KDE. KDE in Fedora continues to provide tight integration with the latest technologies in Fedora. In this release, we have improved integration with PulseAudio via Phonon and the volume control KMix, which controls per-application volumes and moves application sounds between hardware devices, as well as with the latest PolicyKit authorization framework. We have also integrated new major versions, based on the KDE Development Platform 4, of the KOffice office suite, the K3b CD/DVD/Blu-ray burning application and, for developers, the KDevelop IDE, which provide better integration with the KDE 4 Plasma Desktop and no longer require the KDE 3 compatibility libraries. Thanks to the work of a growing community of KDE contributors in Fedora.
- DisplayPort support improvements. Fedora 12 added initial support for the new DisplayPort display connector for Intel graphics chips. Support for Nvidia and ATI systems has now been added in this release. Thanks to Red Hat's Xorg team.
- Experimental user management interface. The user account tool has been completely redesigned, and the accountsdialog and accountsservice test packages are available to make it easy to configure personal information, make a personal profile picture or icon, generate a strong passphrase, and set up login options for your Fedora system. Try out the work in progress. Thanks to Matthias Clasen from Red Hat's Desktop team and others.
For developers
For developers there are all sorts of additional goodies:
- SystemTap static probes. SystemTap now has expanded capabilities to monitor higher-level language runtimes like Java, Python, and Tcl, and also user space applications, starting with PostgreSQL. In the future, Fedora will add support for even more user space applications, greatly increasing the scope and power of monitoring for application developers. Thanks to Mark Wielaard from Red Hat.
- Easier Python debugging. We've added new support that allows developers working with mixed libraries (Python and C/C++) in Fedora to get more complete information when debugging with gdb, making Fedora an exceptional platform for powerful, rapid application development. Thanks to David Malcolm from Red Hat.
- Parallel-installable Python 3 stack. The parallel-installable Python 3 stack will help programmers write and test code for use in both Python 2.6 and Python 3 environments, so you can future-proof your applications now using Fedora. Thanks to David Malcolm from Red Hat.
- NetBeans Java EE 6 support. The NetBeans 6.8 integrated development environment is the first IDE to offer complete support for the entire Java EE 6 specification. Thanks to Victor G. Vasilyev from Sun/Oracle for his maintenance and support of NetBeans in collaboration with Fedora.
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, Java IDE. Along with Eclipse and NetBeans already provided by Fedora, IDEA is a popular Java-based development environment newly introduced in this release. It comes with an intuitive GUI, integration with Ant and Maven, extensive language support, version control systems and test tools integration and compatibility with Eclipse projects. Thanks to Lubomir Rintel and Michal Ingeli, Fedora community volunteers, for packaging and integration of this feature.
For system administrators
And don't think we forgot the system administrators:
- boot.fedoraproject.org (BFO). BFO allows users to download a single, tiny image (could fit on a floppy) and install current and future versions of Fedora without having to download additional images. Thanks to Mike McGrath, Fedora Infrastructure lead.
- Zarafa Open Source edition Groupware. Zarafa Open Source edition is a complete, 100% free and open source groupware suite that can be used as a drop-in Microsoft Exchange replacement for Web-based mail, calendaring, collaboration, and tasks. Features include IMAP/POP and iCal/CalDAV capabilities, native mobile phone support, the ability to integrate with existing Linux mail servers, a full set of programming interfaces, and a comfortable look and feel using modern Ajax technologies. Thanks to Robert Scheck, Fedora community volunteer, for packaging and integration of this feature.
- Btrfs snapshots integration. Btrfs is capable of creating lightweight, copy-on-write filesystem snapshots that can be mounted (and booted into) selectively. Automated snapshots allow system owners to easily revert to a filesystem from the previous day, or from before a yum update using the yum-plugin-fs-snapshot plugin. Btrfs is still an experimental filesystem in this release and requires a "btrfs" installation option to enable support for it. (This option is only available for non-live images.) Upcoming releases will integrate the snapshot functionality into the desktop while working on stabilization of the filesystem in parallel. Thanks to Josef Bacik, Btrfs filesystem developer at Red Hat, for filesystem work and the new yum plugin and Chris Ball from OLPC team for leading this effort.
- LVM Snapshots merging support. Recent LVM (and device-mapper) snapshot advances included in Fedora 13 allow system owners to merge an LVM snapshot back into the origin. In the process you can rollback the origin LV to the state it was in before the system upgrade. As noted earlier, the yum-snapshot-fs-plugin can work with both Btrfs and LVM volumes exposing this functionality and making it easier to use. This feature was developed and merged upstream by Red Hat's storage team.
- Virtualization enhancements. Fedora continues its leadership in virtualization technologies with improvements to KVM such as Stable PCI Addresses and Virt Shared Network Interface technologies. Having stable PCI addresses will enable virtual guests to retain PCI addresses' space on a host machine. The shared network interface technology enables virtual machines to use the same physical network interface cards (NICs) as the host operating system. Fedora 13 also enhances performance of virtualization via VHostNet acceleration of KVM networking, Virtx2apic for enhanced guest performance on large multi-processor systems, and Virtio-Serial for simple IO between the guest and host user spaces. Thanks to the Red Hat virtualization team for their ongoing contributions.
- System Security Services Daemon (SSSD). SSSD provides expanded features for logging into managed domains, including caching for offline authentication. Now users on laptops can still login when disconnected from the company's managed network. The authentication configuration tool in Fedora has already been updated to support SSSD, and work is underway to make it even more attractive and functional. Thanks to Stephen Gallagher from Red Hat.
- Pioneering NFS features. Fedora offers the latest version 4 of the NFS protocol for better performance, and, in conjunction with recent kernel modifications, includes IPv6 support for NFS as well. Thanks to Steve Dickson from Red Hat.
- Dogtag Certificate System Dogtag is an enterprise-class open source Certificate Authority (CA) supporting all aspects of certificate lifecycle management including key archival, OCSP and smart card management. Brought into the fold as part of the Red Hat acquisition of Netscape technologies, this certificate server is fully free and open source and now included in Fedora. Thanks to the PKI team at Red Hat.
And that's only the beginning. A more complete list with details of all the new features on board Fedora 13 is available at:
OK, go get it. You know you can't wait.
If you are upgrading from a previous release of Fedora, refer to
In particular, Fedora has made preupgrade a more robust solution and pushed several bug fixes to older releases of Fedora to enable an easy upgrade to Fedora 13.
For an quick tour of features in Fedora 13 and pictures of many friends of Fedora, check out our "short-form" release notes:
Fedora 13 full release notes and guides for several languages are available at:
Fedora 13 common bugs are documented at:
Fedora Spins
Fedora spins are alternate version of Fedora tailored for various types of users via hand-picked application set or customizations. Fedora 13 includes four completely new spins in addition to the several already available, including Fedora Security Lab, Design Suite, Sugar on a Stick and Moblin spin. More information on these spins and much more is available at
Power PC Support
With Apple moving to Intel based machines and Sony PlayStation dropping Linux support, Fedora PowerPC (PPC) usage has dropped considerably. In Fedora 13, PPC is now a secondary architecture and the Fedora release engineering team no longer manages PPC releases. If you would like to participate in the PPC effort or any of the secondary architecture teams, refer to:
For more information including common and known bugs, tips on how to report bugs, and the official release schedule, please refer to the release notes:
There are many ways to contribute beyond bug reporting. You can help translate software and content, test and give feedback on software updates, write and edit documentation, design and do artwork, help with all sorts of promotional activities, and package free software for use by millions of Fedora users worldwide. To get started, visit http://join.fedoraproject.org today!
Fedora 14
Even as we continue to provide updates with enhancements and bug fixes to improve the Fedora 13 experience, our next release, Fedora 14, is already being developed in parallel, and has been open for active development for several months already. We have an early schedule for an end of Oct 2010 release:
Contact information
If you are a journalist or reporter, you can find additional information at: