Spin SIG meeting information
Current schedule
Meetings weekly on Mondays at 21:00 UTC.
In the recent past we haven't had real meetings, but sometimes have provided some status updates.
How this page is used
Since we haven't had real meetings for a while, I think we are better off using this page to keep a list of outstanding agenda items. Stuff will be added when it comes up and removed when it has been dealt with.
Meeting results will be in the meetbot area. Previous meetings mostly pre-date being able to name meetings so will probably be hard to find, but going forward should be easy to link to.
Previous Meeting Logs
Until we have something better you need to start at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/ and then look for Spins meetings on Mondays.
Current Agenda
- Advertise for a new Spins Wrangler
- Kevin started doing some of this.
- Getting a review of Dan Walsh's changes proposed for live-base to make maintaining his sandbox spin simpler.
- Process updates noted in Paul's message.
- Kevin did a rough draft, Bruno will review and we will take up at the next meeting.
- Schedule for F14?
- Branch ks repo for F14?
- This will happen near release
- When to use rawhide, release an updates as repos in each branch?
- When to update package for the release?
- Do we want the initial one to not use updates and then push one to updates after the release that uses updates?
- How does all of this affect nightly builds and releng composes?
- Nightly builds uses head of master branch of git repo
- Deadlines for process milestones
- Some suggestions from Kevin.
- Branch ks repo for F14?
- Documenting make spin-kickstart releases from the git repo.
- Bruno will do this and report when done.
- How to document which spins get iso's made by releng (and possibly nightly builds)
- We think they base off of a wiki page.
- Team tasks for making sure Spins look OK and releng has what they need?
- I.e. what could we have done to have prevented missing the Moblin spin?
- We think a wiki page needed to be updated when we decided to go forward with Moblin.
- Need to make sure this ends up in process document with ownership.
- I.e. what could we have done to have prevented missing the Moblin spin?
- Do we need some sort of review process for changes to the live base ks?
- For now changes will start being gated to the spins list.
- Do something with the Spins SIG membership list on our wiki page. It includes a number of people that haven't actively participated in a long time.
- Maybe remove it?
- Maybe reset it and let interested people add themselves back?
- Maybe develop some critera for who is on that list?
- At one time an earlier version of the content at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/13/html-single/Fedora_Live_Images/index.html was packaged and as part of the live image build was placed on the desktop. The file stopped being packaged a while ago and the cp command to put it on the desktop was recently removed because it was resulting in an error message during the compose process. Is this something we want included on the live desktop?
- I asked about this and was told it was no longer packaged, but could be again if it was desired.
- Do we want special composes for the alpha and beta or just use the nightly builds?
- Who needs to know this? releng, maybe design team, maybe QA.
- Are we going to do any tags or branches for alpha and beta? Seems like not much reason to.