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Revision as of 21:53, 17 September 2016 by Jibecfed (talk | contribs) (internal link cleaning)

Author & Goals

My name is Nelson Marques and I'm a contributor for Fedora Project Marketing Team. Currently I'm finishing my licentiate process in IPAM (Portuguese Institute for Marketing Management) in the Superior School of Aveiro.

My first approach when I joined Fedora was to try and unravel the mysteries behind it. Though my head is formatted with Marketing concepts, from which the vast majority does not make much sense in Projects like Fedora, due to their nature, I've decided to try to accomplish a SWOT Analysis for the Fedora Project which can be consulted here.

This document aims to provide the theoretical knowledge behind the SWOT Analysis and should work as a personal interpretation of the process based on a more scientific approach, while the work being developed on the SWOT Analysis for Fedora should actually translate a more operational view.

Due to the licensing of Fedora Project which is incompatible in many ways with the sources that I usually use as a base for my papers, I will try to use free contents provided by Wikipedia. I would advice our readers who want to get more scientific knowledge on this Management process to place some interest on Wikipedia sources, as they might provide valuable pointers to scientific information which can be far more accurate than the contents provided by Wikipedia.


SWOT Analysis

Internal Environment

External Environment



Theoretical Concepts

Links of Interest