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Revision as of 19:01, 28 June 2010 by Eseyman (talk | contribs)
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Fedora Events: Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre 2010 - Bordeaux,France

When and Where

  • Bordeaux, France
  • From July 6th to 11th

Responsible Ambassadors


  • Rémi Clédou


  • Fedora will have a booth to welcome people and show them the new Fedora 13 release, to let discuss about it and the project behind it.

  • It is already managed by the organizers who host us.
  • We talk about this event in Fedora-Fr to inform about it.


  • It is already managed by the organizers who host us.
  • Each person will have to book on the organizing website indicated at the top of the page.


Pickup any task you want, add any task you think is necessary for the event to be a success.

Task Owner Status Observations
Print Fedora-Fr membership form Bertrand Juglas

For the status column, you can use the following templates:

  • {{Template:Warning}} for a task that is not attributed / started yet
  • {{Template:Important}} for a task started but not completed yet
  • {{Template:Check}} for a closed task

Stuff to bring for the booth

Item Who Observations
a liveUSB creation station Bertrand Juglas That's the one that Carlos Vassalo made and is in Mathieu Bridon home.
liveDVDs Bertrand Juglas no official LiveCD for Fedora 13 because it uses 1GB instead of 700MB
banners ???
USB sticks Bertrand Juglas easier than LiveDVD
other goodies ? ???
Membership form to join Fedora-Fr Bertrand Juglas Having some printed


  • This section will be filled up after the event.


  • This section will be filled up after the event.