From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 05:27, 3 July 2010 by Prabhash (talk | contribs)

I'm Prabhash. I'm a full-time student. found Fedora early in 2008. Currently I'm Contributing to spread Fedora and Opensource Softwares around Central Province, Sri lanka.


  • Email:
  • Country: Sri Lanka
  • City: Kandy
  • Fedora Account: prabhash

Activities within Fedora


I'm Currently Supporting to Fedora Sinhala Localizing Team. This helps improve Sri Lankan Computer Literacy as well as speed up the Spread Fedora


I got a Golden chance to Training School teachers in Central Province. So I decide to introduce them about Fedora and FOSS. so I'v Trained more than 100 Teachers how to use Fedora. and now they are training there students. actually now we have a massive School Fedora user network.