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Revision as of 21:44, 2 September 2010 by Gholms (talk | contribs) (→‎Current status: Not yet at 100%)

Fedora EC2


We will provide a concurrent release of Fedora 14 and above on the Amazon EC2 cloud.


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Current status

  • Targeted release: Fedora 14
  • Last updated: 2010-08-02
  • Percentage of completion: 75%

Detailed Description

The most recent Fedora Release available for EC2 users has been Fedora 8. This has not been maintained for a very long time. We will get process in place to do concurrent Fedora releases for EC2 making Fedora 14 available to EC2 users on release day. This will be done with a documented and repeatable process which ensures that future releases can maintain concurrent EC2 release without much additional effort.

Benefit to Fedora

This allows EC2 users to have an option of using a recent and supported Fedora release, expanding our audience.


  • Incorporate kernel patch to allow upstream kernels to work on EC2 infrastructure (done)
  • Generate and test kickstart file for Fedora 14
  • Document process for creating and publishing EC2 images
  • Create and push the EC2 Fedora 14 release.

How To Test

An EC2 user account is required. From your EC2 account, launch a Fedora 14 instance in either 32bit or 64bit.

User Experience

The Fedora images on EC2 should be fairly bare bones, as the basis for appliances to run in the cloud. Users should notice that a newer image is available and ready for use.


kernel patch to allow Fedora kernels to run on EC2 infrastructure (done)

Contingency Plan

None necessary, Fedora 14 would have to be pushed to EC2 after release.


  • FIXME Documentation needs to be created for the image creation and publishing process
  • FIXME Documentation needs to be created for end user interaction with Fedora in EC2.

Release Notes

  • Fedora 14 is now available on the Amazon EC2 cloud. Documentation is available at <insert link here> to assist users with launching Fedora EC2 images.

Comments and Discussion