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Revision as of 17:41, 1 September 2010 by Skvidal (talk | contribs)

updates policy for patch 'tuesdays':


Updates should occur at regular intervals by and large. Not everyday and not haphazardly. Security and critical bugfixes should be issued asynchronously, but feature updates, new pkgs and non-critical bugfixes should be issued once a month for the duration of the distros supported lifetime.

specific rules:

  1. security and critical bugfixes are issued asychronously. FULL STOP.
  2. if the above require changes/rebuilds to other pkgs then those others pkgs will be included in the async update provided that, if they are an update beyond a rebuild then they have passed a qa check
  3. all other updates can be included in the monthly update push provided:
    1. they have passed testing karma checks
    2. they have passed autoqa checks
    3. <something here about the amount of churn and impacted examples>
    4. any other requirement fesco decides on.