GHC 7.0
The next major version of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (ghc) is due soon and should become version 7.0. It has many new features, including a new I/O manager, new type-checker, new improved parallel garbage collector, and support for a new LLVM compilation backend.
- Names: Jens Petersen, Ben Boeckel, Haskell_SIG
- Email:,,
Current status
- Targeted release: Fedora 15
- Last updated: 11 Sep 2010
- Percentage completion 0%
Detailed Description
- Create a dist-f15-ghc buildroot to avoid dependency disruption to rawhide.
- Create scripts to automate the rebuilding of all the Haskell packages in Fedora.
- Update ghc to new version and build into dist-f15-ghc.
- Update ghc-rpm-macros if necessary.
- Add support to cabal2spec for delta-patching packages to update them for newer packaging template and rebuild.
- Rebuild packages including all the libraries in dist-f15-ghc with the automated cabal2spec patching and dependency build script.
- Move final completed package set to dist-f15.
Benefit to Fedora
Fedora will benefit by providing the latest ghc compiler to its users with many performance and feature enhancements.
- Minimal impact outside of Haskell packages
- Rebuilding all Haskell packages: see Detailed Description above
How to Test
- Packagers
- Build packages against GHC 7.0
- Many Haskell libraries and applications include test suites already (not many are enabled to my knowledge). Enabling these will help catch errors.
- Testers
- General usage of packaged Haskell applications to find bugs (probably manifest as assertion errors or exceptions)
- darcs
- cabal
- General usage of packaged Haskell applications to find bugs (probably manifest as assertion errors or exceptions)
User Experience
Developers will be able to use GHC 7.0.
- Haskell packages (to be handled by the Haskell SIG for the most part)
- Haskell Platform release (hopefully there will be a release available in time)
Contigency Plan
- In the unlikely event that the version upgrade is not possible, any partial work will simply be left dist-f15-ghc and we will release F15 with the current ghc-6.12.3.