Frank Murphy | |
[[Image:|none|none|Frank Murphy]] | |
Personal Information | |
Birthday: | 1964-02-02 |
Birthplace: | Waterford City, Ireland |
Home: | Waterford City, Ireland |
Fedora-specific Information | |
FAS-Name: | frankly3d |
Fedora-Mail: | |
Fedorapeople: | |
Miscellaneous Information | |
private Mail: | |
GPG-Key: | [1] |
Homepage: | currently n\a currently |
Jabber: | {{{jabber}}} |
Freemedia One of these days, I'll update this page.
Susmit is working away to put a new user experience together for FreeMedia
If you need a Fedora CD \ DVD You must fill out the request form at FreeMedia It opens on the first week of every month and once your name is in the queue, you have a chace of getting a disc. Sometimes not, depending on circumstances around the globe.
If the form is closed for maintenance, and you need one badly (School\Work), Contact me ===>
If I can help, I will. You will need First name, Last name, Full Postal Address including zip\post code.
The best place for support is the user lists: click on communicate of the main page
I was diagnosed with Narcolepsy years ago, so apologise for any spelling or dribbling while talking
I absolutely hate writing things :D
PS: Currently back in College full-time studying:
Software Systems Development
Had to leave this for the moment, due to bad physical pain (RSI)