From Fedora Project Wiki

2010-10-14 From 09:00 to 21:00 UTC (5am -> 5pm EDT) #fedora-test-day (webirc)
Can't make the date?
If you come to this page before or after the test day is completed, your testing is still valuable, and you can use the information on this page to test, file any bugs you find at Bugzilla, and add your results to the results section. If this page is more than a month old when you arrive here, please check the current schedule and see if a similar but more recent Test Day is planned or has already happened.

What to test?

Today's installment of Fedora Test Day will focus on OpenLDAP with TLS encryption. OpenLDAP in Fedora 14 uses Mozilla NSS instead of OpenSSL crypto backend. This change should have no effect for users, but to be sure we want to test OpenLDAP server and as many programs using OpenLDAP libraries (libldap) as possible.

Who's available

The following cast of characters will be available testing, workarounds, bug fixes, and general discussion ...

Prerequisite for Test Day

  1. Fedora 14 (or Rawhide) system
  2. openldap and openldap-clients packages
  3. optionally for testing server: openldap-servers package
  4. at least one application from package list below

Packages list

Priority 1 (the most important)
Package Taken by Notes
openldap-clients omoris
Pass pass
openldap-servers omoris
Pass pass
nss_ldap omoris
nss-pam-ldapd omoris
openssh mvadkert
Pass pass
pam_ldap omoris
python-ldap jvcelak
Pass pass
ruby-ldap alich
sssd shanks
sudo alich
libuser mvadkert
Pass pass
Priority 2
Package Taken by Notes
curl ksrot
Pass pass
Priority 3
Package Taken by Notes
Priority 4
Package Taken by Notes
Priority 5
Package Taken by Notes
Priority 6 (the least important)
Package Taken by Notes

Testing environment

Update your machine

If you're running Fedora 14, make sure you have all the current updates for it installed, using the update manager.

Kickstart / Live DVD

We recommend the testing to be done in virtual machine, using a Fedora 14 network install as installation medium. Boot and installation images are available (i386, x86_64)

If you want to download Live medium, we have two LiveCDs available for you here. These images contain LiveCDs with shortcuts to IRC and this wiki page. They also have all Priority 1 programs pre-installed in case you want to test one of them.

Available testing servers

You can use your server
You don't have to use our testing servers. Feel free to configure yours, we provide nice step by step guide.
Test OpenLDAP with MozNSS primarily
Please, use mainly openldap03. The other servers are only for reference, to reveal possible behavior changes.
server service package version base DN OpenLDAP + OpenSSL openldap-servers-2.4.21-11.fc13.x86_64 dc=silver,dc=testday 389 Directory Server 389-ds-base-1.2.7.a1 dc=example,dc=com OpenLDAP + MozNSS openldap-servers-2.4.22-7.fc14.x86_64 dc=gold,dc=testday

Download OpenLDAP Testday CA certificate (PEM format). Certificates of testing servers are signed by this CA.

Accessing our servers

  • You can use anonymous bind for read only access.
  • For read-write access use bind name cn=Tester,dc=silver,dc=testday and password openldap. Subtree ou=free,dc=base,dc=testday is ready for your experiments. Please create some organization unit with your name under it, not to conflict with other testers. (Don't forgot to replace dc=silver correctly for other servers.)

(read-write access is now set up for openldap02 - use the cn=Tester user)

How to test?

Choose one of applications in the list above and mark it on this page by adding your name into "Taken by" column. Perform some testing. Below is a table of features what might be tested. The table lists common OpenLDAP based applications and the TLS options used. The table lists some features which are supported by ldap.conf file. If your application uses OpenLDAP and is able to configure it to use TLS/SSL, you will probably have similar configuration options.

You can use our prepared LDAP server for your testing.

Example configurations

OpenLDAP command line tools
  • Application: ldapsearch, ldapmodify, et. al.
  • Default config file: /etc/openldap/ldap.conf, ~/.ldaprc
  • Manual page: ldap.conf
  • Step by step configuration

Use the -Z (prefer TLS) or -ZZ (require TLS) command line options to use StartTLS with ldap:// URIs.

Config option Description Example
URI LDAP URI - use ldaps:// for LDAPS, or use ldap:// with -Z cmd line flag for starttls ldaps://
TLS_CACERT Full path and filename of file containing CA certificates to use /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
TLS_CACERTDIR Full path name of directory containing CA certificates in separate files /etc/openldap/cacerts
TLS_CERT Full path name and file name of client cert file /home/user/myusercert.pem
TLS_KEY Full path name and file name of cert private key file - must be unencrypted /home/user/myuserkey.pem
TLS_CIPHER_SUITE Specifies TLS cipher suites to use HIGH:MEDIUM:+SSLv3
TLS_REQCERT Specifies what checks to perform on server certs demand
OpenLDAP server

Use the -H command line option to have slapd listen for LDAPS requests (e.g. slapd -H ldaps://hostname ....)

Config option Description Example
olcTLSCACertificateFile Full path and filename of file containing CA certificates to use /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
olcTLSCACertificatePath Full path name of directory containing CA certificates in separate files /etc/openldap/cacerts
olcTLSCertificateFile Full path name and file name of server cert file /home/user/myusercert.pem
olcTLSCertificateKeyFile Full path name and file name of server private key file - must be unencrypted /home/user/myuserkey.pem
olcTLSCipherSuite Specifies TLS cipher suites to use HIGH:MEDIUM:+SSLv3
olcTLSVerifyClient Specifies what checks to perform on incoming client certs demand

For OpenLDAP server, we also need to test server-to-server interactions that use TLS. For example, test replication from a server using Mozilla NSS to another server using OpenSSL using LDAPS or StartTLS. Try a back-ldap or back-meta configuration using TLS/SSL.

  • Default config file: /etc/ldap.conf
  • Manual page: nss_ldap
Config option Description Example
uri LDAP URI - use ldaps:// for LDAPS, or use ldap:// with ssl start_tls option (see below) uri ldaps://
ssl on,off,start_tls off - no TLS ; on - use LDAPS ; start_tls - use LDAP with the StartTLS operation (recommended) ssl start_tls
tls_cacertfile Full path and filename of file containing CA certificates to use tls_cacertfile /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
tls_cacertdir Full path name of directory containing CA certificates in separate files tls_cacertdir /etc/openldap/cacerts
tls_cert Full path name and file name of client cert file for client cert auth (SASL/EXTERNAL) tls_cert /path/to/myusercert.pem
tls_key Full path name and file name of client cert private key file - must be unencrypted tls_key /path/to/myuserkey.pem
tls_ciphers Specifies TLS cipher suites to use tls_ciphers HIGH:MEDIUM:+SSLv3
tls_checkpeer yes,no check the server cert or no tls_checkpeer yes

Finishing test

After you perform testing, it is important to report results. A special section Test Results is available. Here you should write: what program have you tested, what was tested (i.e. what tests were performed) and what was the result. After you fill this report, please add a mark into "Notes" column in package list:

Pass pass
in case everything was ok
Warning warn
in case there was probably something wrong
Fail fail
in case the test failed

In the latter two cases a description of what went wrong should be available in Test Results section below.

Step by step configurations


Many applications uses libldap setting
This describes how to setup trusted certificate authorities. Server certificates signed by these will be accepted. If you want to do testing with our testday servers, you will have to add at least our CA certificate.

There are more possibilities of configuring trusted CAs. The easiest way is probably using TLS_CACERTDIR directory (/etc/openldap/cacerts in this example) with certificate files in PEM format.
You can do it your way - may the force (man ldap.conf) be with you. Directory with MozNSS cert database, and one bundle CA file are supported as well.

  1. install OpenLDAP client tools to have some simple tool for your configuration testing: yum install openldap-clients
  2. you need hash for each certificate, you can use c_hash tool:
    • run: /etc/pki/tls/misc/c_hash /path/to/cert.pem
    • you should get something like: 537ced62.0 => /path/to/cert.pem
  3. create symlink in CA certs directory:
    • ln -s /path/to/cert.pem /etc/openldap/cacerts/537ced62.0
  4. repeat previous steps for each CA you trust
  5. make sure, all certificates are readable for all users trough created symlinks
  6. update /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
    • add: TLS_CACERTDIR /etc/openldap/cacerts
    • optionally, you can set up default server (URI) and search base (BASE)

If you have a lot of certificates, you can use c_rehash tool from openssl-perl package.

OpenLDAP server

Usual mistakes
Do not leave any empty lines in OpenLDAP server configuration files (everything in /etc/openldap/slapd.d).
No olcTLS* option must be the last line in your database configuration or your server will not start (bug #641946), possible workaround is adding one extra line with comment (starting #).

Quick help: man slapd-config

  1. install OpenLDAP server: yum install openldap-servers
  2. choose and set your server base DN, e.g. dc=copper,dc=testday
  3. generate admin (manager) user password hash:
  4. update /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn=config/olcDatabase={1}bdb.ldif
    • olcSuffix: dc=copper,dc=testday
    • olcRootDN: cn=Manager,dc=copper,dc=testday
    • olcRootPW: <admin-user-password-hash>
  5. update /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn=config/olcDatabase={2}monitor.ldif
    • olcAccess: {0}to * by dn.base="cn=manager,dc=copper,dc=testday" read by * non
  6. start your server: service slapd start
  7. try your serve functionality
    • ldapsearch -H ldap://localhost -x -b "" -s base "(objectclass=*)" namingContexts
    • you should get: namingContexts: dc=copper,dc=testday
  8. create base nodes
    • download example root DN nodes (LDIF)
    • update DNs in that file
    • import that file into the database:
      ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=copper,dc=testday" -W -f root.ldif
  9. install BDB configuration file
    • cp /usr/share/openldap-servers/DB_CONFIG.example /var/lib/ldap/DB_EXAMPLE
  10. restart your server: service slapd restart
  11. your server is now configured and running without TLS
  12. generate certificates for your server (if you don't have any), we offer you step by step guide
  13. update /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn=config.ldif, add following options (customised):
    • olcTLSCACertificateFile: /etc/openldap/certs/cacert.pem
    • olcTLSCertificateFile: /etc/openldap/certs/server.pem
    • olcTLSCertificateKeyFile: /etc/openldap/certs/server.pem
  14. make your certificates readable for ldap user
  15. enable at least ldaps:// interface in /etc/sysconfig/ldap:
    • SLAPD_LDAP=yes (default)
    • SLAPD_LDAPS=yes
    • SLAPD_LDAPI=yes (optional)
  16. restart your server: service slapd restart
  17. your server is running with TLS support
  18. test that your configuration is working
    • without TLS: ldapsearch -x -H ldap://localhost -b "dc=copper,dc=testday"
    • with TLS: ldapsearch -x -H ldaps://localhost -b "dc=copper,dc=testday"

Generating certificates

Use your own CA

There are more possibilities. The easiest way is installing TinyCA GUI, which will handle everything you need. You need not perform this task on your testing system.

  1. install TinyCA: yum install tinyca2
  2. create new certification authority
  3. create new certificate request
    • select 'Requests' tab
    • right-click into the emtpy list of requests and select 'New Request'
    • use pre-filled values, set 'Common Name' to match your server hostname
    • set some pass-phrase (which will be removed anyway)
    • click 'OK'
  4. sign the certificate request
    • right-click on the certificate request and select 'Sign Request', 'Sign Request (Server)'
    • you will be prompted for CA password
    • signed certificate will appear under 'Certificates' tab
  5. export your key + certificate for server
    • open 'Keys' tab
    • right click on appropriate key and select 'Export'
    • select export location (file)
    • Export Format: PEM
    • Without Passphrase: Yes
    • Include Certificate (PEM): Yes
    • click 'Save', provide your certificate pass-phrase password
  6. export your CA certificate
    • open 'CA' tab
    • click on 'Export CA' icon in toolbar
    • set filename, select PEM format and click on 'Save'
  7. configure your server to use your key and certificate
  8. configure your server and any clients to use/accept your CA
Use our public sub CA with TinyCA
  1. download public testday sub CA
  2. move the file into ~/.TinyCA
  3. extract the file: tar xf testday-public-ca.tar.gz
  4. CA is ready, use it in TinyCA
    CA password is: openldap
  5. you have to add this CA certificate onto server
    1. append it to your olcTLSCACertificateFile (really file, not option in config)
    2. or use olcTLSCACertificatePath instead of olcTLSCACertificateFile
Other ways

Test Results

After you are finished testing, please file a testing report below. The first report can
be used as an example how it should look like. If you encounter any issue, please first
consult it on IRC. If it will be verified as a bug, file a bugzilla against openldap
component and add a note about it to your report.

Tested program: abcd-1.5-3-fc14.x86_64

  • tried against all referential servers
  • tried TLS connection with and without client certificate
  • all test were tun with option CDEF turned on
  • all test were running fine, except one
  • bug #123456 was filed
  • bug #123457 was filed

[omoris] Tested program: openldap-servers-2.4.22-7.fc14.i686 openldap-clients-2.4.22-7.fc14.i686

  • executed upstream self-test included in source rpm
  • all passed

[ksrot] Tested program: curl-7.21.0-5.fc14.x86_64

  • tried the query LDAP database using following commands:
curl 'ldap://,dc=testday??sub'
curl --cacert /etc/testday/cacert.pem 'ldaps://,dc=testday??sub'
curl 'ldap://,dc=testday??sub'
curl --cacert /etc/testday/cacert.pem 'ldaps://,dc=testday??sub'
  • output looked fine

[jvcelak] Tested program: openldap-2.4.23-1.fc15.x86_64 openldap-2.4.21-10.fc13.x86_64

  • reported bug #641946 (slapd init script gets stuck in an infinite loop)
  • OK: CA signed certificates (now used on silver and bronze)
  • OK: sub-CA signed certificates (now used on gold)
  • OK: referral chasing with TLS (tested including loops)
  • OK: Ldap backend with TLS, works as a proxy (tested including loops)
  • OK: self-signed certificates
    • verification with OpenSSL fails when connecting to localhost (host name doesn't match)
    • verification with MozNSS works well when connecting to localhost or hostname
    • verification with MozNSS fails when using certificate and hostname doesn't match
  • MozNSS error messages often miss explanation (like -8172 Unknown error)

[mvadkert] Tested program: openssh-5.5p1-21.fc14.2.x86_64

  • omoris and jvcelak added openssh.scheme and a test user
  • tested with ssh-ldap-helper
root@freedom openldap]# /usr/libexec/openssh/ssh-ldap-helper -vvv -f /etc/openldap/ldap.conf -s user2
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
debug3: === Configuration ===
debug3: URI ldaps://
debug3: Host
debug3: Port 636
debug3: SSL Yes
debug3: Ldap_Version 3
debug3: Base ou=omoris,ou=free,dc=gold,dc=testday
debug3: BindDN cn=Tester,dc=gold,dc=testday
debug3: BindPW openldap
debug3: Scope Sub
debug1: LDAP do connect
debug3: Set TLS CA cert dir /etc/openldap/cacerts 
debug3: Set TLS check peer to 1 
debug3: LDAP initialize ldaps://
debug3: LDAP search scope = 2 (&(objectclass=posixAccount)(objectclass=ldapPublicKey)(uid=user2))
debug2: LDAP process user finished
debug1: LDAP do close
debug2: LDAP do close OK

[jvcelak] Tested program: python-ldap-2.3.12-1.fc15.x86_64

  • not tested very deeply, basic operations work:

import ldap
import ldap.modlist as modlist

l = ldap.initialize("ldaps://", trace_level = 1)
l.simple_bind_s("cn=Tester,dc=gold,dc=testday", "openldap")

ldif = modlist.addModlist({
"objectClass" : [ "organizationalUnit", "top" ],
"ou" : [ "jvcelak" ],
l.add_s("ou=jvcelak,ou=free,dc=gold,dc=testday", ldif)

print l.search_s("dc=gold,dc=testday", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(cn=Manager)")



[mvadkert] Tested program: libuser-0.56.18-2.fc14

  • tested all libuser commands - found bug in lpasswd #643022
  • generally works well after good setup in /etc/libuser.conf