Personal information
French student. I am 19 years and I know divers languages (or the bases) : xHTML/CSS, PHP with MySQL, C/C++, Python and Shell.
I love the embedded systems and the kernel of Operating System. I am a student in a scientific school (electronic and computing science) : ISEN Toulon.
I have a blog :
Fedora and Free Software
I am a member to the associations AFUL, APRIL, Linux Foundation and Fedora-fr.
I participate in the Fedora Project : report bug, Fedora-fr forums, Fedora-fr association, communication, translation, documentation and redaction to Muffin.
I was founded in september 2010 CILL (Club de l'ISEN sur les Logiciels Libres) with 3 friends to promote the Free Software ideology in ISEN Toulon, an engineer school.
I organized installs-party in Toulon city, with CILL, ToulonuX and Gullivar.
- email :
- Jabber : (no mail)