About Me

My name is Abdel G. Martínez L.. I'm 19, and I live in Panama City, Panama. I'm studying IS Engineering at "Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá" and Computational Systems Engineering at "Universidad Interamericana de Panamá". I have been GNU/Linux user since 3 years. I started using Ubuntu because my brother introduced it to me at home. Then I investigate about Linux distributions, then I found Fedora and I feel that it fits very well on my assignments.
How to contact me?
- Personal Email: abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com
- Personal Blog: "Experiencia Fedora"
- Location: Panama, Rep of Panama
- Language: Spanish, English.
- Fedora Account: potty
- IRC Account: potty
Fedora Projects Involved
Activities with Fedora
- Organize conferences in the different universities about the benefits of using Fedora.
- Create Fedora Groups at several universities of my country.
- Promote activities that enhance the using open-source applications.