This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora Translation (L10n) Project[1].
Contributing Writer: Runa Bhattacharjee
Troubles with
The woes related to the Transifex instance on still continue whereby translators are facing problems accessing and submitting translations[1]. 3 tickets have already been filed on the Fedora-Infrastructure ticketing system to track the various tasks like Transifex upgradation, Cron jobs for etc[2]. Translators have been requested to file new tickets if they encounter further problems.
FLP FAQ Updated
Shankar Prasad from the Kannada team has updated the FAQ[1] with the correction method to be used if translations for one language are updated for another[2].
New Members in FLP
Yuri Khabarov (Russian)[1], Andrey Olykainen (Russian and Kazakh)[2], Fabian Barrera (Spanish)[3], Nikolay Rysev (Russian)[4], joined the FLP recently.