This page provides all the information that people need regarding Fedora's presence at LinuxConf Australia 2011.
About is one of the world's best conferences for free and open source software.
When and Where
In 2011 LCA is going to be held in Brisbane, from the 24th - 29th January, at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) - Gardens Point Campus.
LinuxConf Personnel
Please add yourself to the list below if you want to attend.
- Stephen Gordon
- Cherlyn Tan
- Caius 'kaio' Chance - Local
- Luke Martinez - pending sponsorship
- Heherson Pagcaliwagan - pending sponsorship
Travel & Accommodation
- Luke is travelling from Adelaide to Brisbane with the following cost estimates: $130 adelaide to brisbane (apprx.) $120 brisbane to adelaide (apprx.) $150 two nights accommodation. A total of $400 for the event.
- Herson (pending approval) will be travelling from Manila to Brisbane with plane cost of $1025 (18Nov) and visa cost of $105. An LCA ticket costs an additional $375 bringing the total to $1505. Will probably need help with accomodation once approved but I've not planned that far ahead yet.
The Open Day details are as follows: Date: Saturday, 29 January 2011 Time: 9am - 5pm Venue: The Edge, State Library of Queensland
At the Fedora stall these are some of the planned activities: - One Laptop Per Child display: history, development, impact, etc - Live USB Creator: getting people to bring their USBs and installing Fedora 14 onto them - Fielding general questions about Fedora and Red Hat (possibly a small notice announcing that we're hiring) - Raffle draw/ quiz - giving away Tux plushies etc
At this stage we haven't finalised all the details, and we're still welcoming suggestions for further activities. Please email suggestions to:
We will work out a fad in due course, which will be the first one out of india, correct me if i am wrong --azneita