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Revision as of 06:21, 19 January 2011 by Sankarshan (talk | contribs) (updated Summary of traffic on Ambassadors mailing list)


This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora Ambassadors Project[1].

Contributing Writer: Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay

Welcome New Ambassadors to The Fedora Project

This week the Fedora Ambassadors Project had a new member joining.

This week the Fedora Ambassadors Project had a couple of new members joining.

Mark Warner from the USA mentored by Larry Cafiero

Greg Kerr from the USA mentored by Larry Cafiero

Summary of traffic on Ambassadors mailing list

David Ramsey posted [1] about a couple of Test Days [2] which would be fun to participate in.

David Ramsey posted [3] Meeting Notes for APAC Meeting on 2011-01-15 [4]

David Ramsey asked [5] the Ambassadors to propose ideas and suggestions for Fedora Classroom. The Ambassadors responded in the thread [6] with interest in SELinux, Virtualization etc

Jesús Franco informed [7] about a proposal for an introductory course of Publican aimed at those who want to contribute to Fedora Documentation [8]

Luca Foppiano informed [9] the Ambassadors about the decision to leave the Fedora community [10]

Larry Cafiero reminded [11] about the FAmNA meeting and thereafter posted [12] minutes of the meeting [13]

Summary of events reported on Ambassadors mailing list

No events were reported for this cycle of the Ambassadors Beat

Summary of traffic on FAmSCo mailing list

Igor Pires Soares pointed [1] to a FAQ entry for Ambassadors regarding "I want to contact the local Red Hat office ..." which is currently without an answer and suggested the need to identify the contact points. Rahul Sundaram suggested [2] an appropriate response to the question.

Susmit Shannigrahi brought up [3] the topic of a ticket on the APAC Trac [4] which has not been re-imbursed yet. Gerard Braad pointed out [5] that he was unaware of the specific instance of the trac being discussed.

Igor Pires Soares cleaned up [6] the Ambassadors FAQ [7] and posted the link asking for review. Pierros Papadeas suggested [8] that the section concerned with "I am leaving ..." should be part of the SOP [9] . The thread [10] includes comments from other FAmSCo members who have put forth suggestions for other sections of the FAQ

Pierros Papadeas reminded [11] about the FAmSCo meeting on 2011-01-15 [12] and, thereafter posted [13] the Meeting Minutes [14]

Max Spevack updated FAmSCo [15] about the status of ticket triage

Pierros Papadeas reminded [16] about the Meeting with the Board around goals [17] and, the views from FAmSCo [18]