From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 04:26, 6 February 2011 by Narasim (talk | contribs)


Fedora is a Free and open source operating system and a collection of applications based on Linux. Anyone may download, use, modify, and redistribute it without charge.

How to Get Fedora

There are a large number of ways to get Fedora. Here are a few:

  • Download and burn your own CDs/DVDs
  • Get Fedora from a Third Party Vendor
  • Sponsor or Request media FreeMedia Program
  • Use a network install (see the Installation Guide )
  • Download a single small CD and install from the Internet
  • Under the distribution 'os' folder (Mirrors ), in a folder named 'images', you can find a small boot.iso file, which can be burned to CD and used to start an Internet-based install. Please be aware that there are reliability concerns associated with this installation method, and it should probably not be attempted by a novice user or the faint-of-heart. This method is often of interest to testers.
The Fedora Project releases frequent updates, including some security updates, to the packages in the Fedora software repositories. You should make sure your system is up-to-date after installation, and then keep it updated afterwards. Read the Software Management Guide for details on using Fedora tools to keep your system up-to-date.


For information on upgrading an existing installation of Fedora see the FAQ .


For details on the lifecycle of each Fedora release, please see the LifeCycle page.

How to Redistribute Fedora

Preparing Media

When you redistribute Fedora, you must remember that what you do reflects upon the Fedora Project and the surrounding community. It is therefore important that you target a level of quality with your distribution that is fitting of the Fedora Project and community. Using a consumer CD-RW and a pen to prepare the CDs and then selling the media over the Internet will reflect poorly upon Fedora. Such a method is perfectly fine for distribution to friends, family, LUGs, and other small, personal groups. If you wish to distribute Fedora on a large scale, please try to use appropriate equipment and produce quality labelling. There are no specific rules regarding how you can prepare media, but please try to remember how much effect what you do has on the project and community.

There is no standard regarding the preparation of media or packaging. It is important to remember the trademark guidelines when preparing any labels, packaging, or marketing materials. You can produce printed materials, including sleeves, cases, inserts, boxes, or labels, as long as they adhere to the trademark guidelines. The Fedora Logo also has similar guidelines. It is highly recommended that you use the logo and media labels for any redistribution.

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Distributors

The Fedora Project welcomes OEM distributors, but providers must adhere to the same trademark guidelines as other vendors. Specifically, you may not modify the Fedora installation and maintain the Fedora name. The nearest you may do is completely rebrand the distribution to comply with the trademark guidelines, make your modifications, and distribute the product under a different name. You may also not then say that your product "contains Fedora" or is an alternate "edition" of Fedora. You may say that your product is "a derivative of Fedora" or is "built upon Fedora", but you must make it clear that your product is NOT Fedora. If you use the Fedora name in such a manner, you must also note that Fedora is a registered trademark, and not attempt to confuse users or allude to a non-existant relationship between you and the Fedora Project or Red Hat.

Distributors who do not modify the original Fedora installation (beyond installing updates issued by the Fedora Project) may use the Fedora name in accordance with the trademark guidelines.

Fedora Trademark Guidelines

If you are performing any modifications on Fedora and redistributing it,review the Fedora Trademark Guidelines to understand what can and cannot be done with the Fedora trademarks. The Fedora Project must protect its brand name and reputation, and the guidelines help to protect both legitimate vendors and Fedora users. Fedora only includes Free and open source software and hence you are free to create derivatives but such modifications might be required to be distributed under a different name as defined by the guidelines

Online Distributors

Anyone may distribute Fedora online, and there are several ways to help. If you have large pipes, you can provide a public mirror. To get started, see the bottom of the Mirrors . If you have only a consumer broadband connection, you might consider joining the torrent .

Distributions Derived From Fedora

There are many existing distributions which are derived from Fedora. For more information and listings, see the DerivedDistributions page.

Distribution Project

The Fedora Distribution Project maintains significant portions of this section, including assorted distribution programs and the vendor lists.