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Revision as of 19:33, 24 January 2011 by Jlaska (talk | contribs)
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People present (lines said)

  1. jlaska (114)
  2. adamw (29)
  3. kparal (27)
  4. fenrus02 (14)
  5. lmacken (5)
  6. wwoods (2)
  7. Southern_Gentlem (1)
  8. Cerlyn (1)
  9. Viking-Ice (1)

Unable to attend:

  1. Rhe (hopefully sleeping)
  2. Hongqing (hopefully sleeping)


Previous meeting follow-up

  1. adamw - follow-up on advisory-board thread on media requirements for spins (
  2. Bodhi feedback patch from fcami (see infrastructure ticket#701 awaiting review
reviewed and accepted, yay! Thanks lmacken!

Adjusting proventesters group to be invite-only

Some testers are applying to the FAS proventesters group, but not filing a ticket or sending a welcome email (see
One suggestion is to make proventesters invite-only, and reflect the change in the Proven_tester documentation

ticket (jlaska, 16:26:21)

Group discussed and decided to update wiki documentation to clarify process for handling join requests w/o a ticket
If we are flooded with FAS requests w/o a ticket, we will reconsider invite-only recommendation
Next steps ...
  1. ACTION: jlaska - update with information about how to handle FAS group requests without a corresponding

Latest and greatest on autoqa-0.4.4

new_koji_watcher and depcheck branch were reviewed
Together with the review of new_koji_watcher branch we have found a bug in Bodhi where it incorrectly used -pending tags on certain packages. lmacken quickly created a patch, which should be pushed into production soon (see
jlaska fixed issues that prevented autotest from building on Fedora 14
Next steps ...
Continue working towards autoqa-0.4.4 milestone

Wiki and Nitrate TCMS - Move to next step (ticket#152)

See fedora-qa ticket#152 (Tcms_use_cases and Tcms_Comparison)
Wiki use cases and feature comparison called for final review last week.
Based on the comments, I modified the requirements and moved previous to formal pages below:
Next steps ...
  1. Identify Must-Have + Nice-to-Have feature to find any feature gaps we'd need from Nitrate. Such features will firstly be marked in the comparison table[2], and then summarized in a separate page for reference. Comments welcome!
  2. Write scripts for importing xml files from wiki to nitrate. The xml files exported from wiki has different format from the files to be imported to nitrate, therefore, scripts are needed to do the conversion. Volunteers are welcomed!

Thu, Jan 27 Test Day -- Network device naming

fedora-qa ticket#159
Wiki looking good ... many thanks to Narendar & Dell for preparation (see
Blog announcements
Next steps ...
  1. jlaska will upload a script provided by Narendra to help participants determine if they have applicable hardware
  2. HELP: Spread the word -- Test Day this week -- Thu 27, 2011

Open discussion - <Your topic here>

Action items

  1. jlaska - update with information about how to handle FAS group requests without a corresponding ticket

IRC Transcript

jlaska #startmeeting Fedora QA Meeting 16:00
zodbot Meeting started Mon Jan 24 16:00:12 2011 UTC. The chair is jlaska. Information about MeetBot at 16:00
zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00
jlaska #meetingname fedora-qa 16:00
zodbot The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 16:00
jlaska #topic Gathering ... 16:00
jlaska Show of electronic hands for the fedora-qa meeting ... 16:00
adamw yo! 16:00
* Southern_Gentlem 16:00
jlaska howdy adamw Southern_Gentlem 16:01
Cerlyn here 16:01
* kparal here 16:01
jlaska greetings Cerlyn + kparal 16:01
* fenrus02 waves 16:02
jlaska howdy fenrus02 16:02
jlaska anyone else want to say hello to the logs? 16:02
jlaska kparal: is jskladan still under the weather today? 16:03
kparal jlaska: I have no word of him 16:03
jlaska okay ... I hope he is well 16:04
jlaska shall we get started ... any stragglers can join during the meeting 16:05
jlaska #topic Previous meeting follow-up 16:06
jlaska #info fcami's bodhi patch was reviewed and accepted, thanks lmacken! 16:06
* lmacken will push it to production "this week" 16:07
jlaska #info follow-up on advisory-board thread on media requirements for spins ( 16:07
fenrus02 and there was much rejoicing :) 16:07
jlaska lmacken: sweet, thanks 16:07
jlaska I haven't followed up on the multi-dvd requirements discussion ... we had an open request for feedback on that I think 16:07
jlaska I should have figured ... looking at the thread, I see adamw all over it 16:08
fenrus02 jlaska, from what i have read, most of your requirements already work 16:08
* adamw away, call of nature 16:09
jlaska anything else on this topic? 16:09
* jlaska takes silence as a no 16:10
jlaska #topic Wiki and Nitrate TCMS - Move to next step (ticket#152) 16:10
jlaska You probably saw some mails on this topic last week 16:10
jlaska Hurry sent an update to the list and asked to raise this topic during the meeting 16:11
jlaska #link 16:11
jlaska #link 16:11
jlaska #info Based on the comments, I modified the requirements and moved to the more formal wiki pages 16:11
jlaska As for next steps ... 16:12
jlaska #info Next step ... Identify Must-Have + Nice-to-Have features to find any feature gaps we'd need from Nitrate. Such features will firstly be marked in the comparison table[2], and then summarized in a separate page for reference. 16:12
jlaska #info Next step ... Write scripts for importing xml files from wiki to nitrate. The xml files exported from wiki has different format from the files to be imported to nitrate, therefore, scripts are needed to do the conversion. Volunteers are welcomed! 16:12
adamw sorry sorry 16:13
jlaska And just a general comment ... 16:13
jlaska #help Anyone interested in helping to understand our current QA wiki workflows, identifying TCMS requirements or exploring/deploying a nitrate staging instance is encouraged to help 16:14
jlaska adamw: no worries ... nature has all of our phone numbers 16:14
jlaska any questions comments on this subject? 16:14
adamw i think for most people it's hard to interact with until there's a test instance up 16:15
jlaska yeah, I suspect that will solicit a lot of feedback 16:15
jlaska use cases and requirements are important, but difficult to encourage contributions 16:15
jlaska at least, that's my impression 16:15
jlaska I mentioned to Hurry that I could submit a RFR to infrastructure for a test instance ... but I may have missed the response 16:16
jlaska I'll double check with her on that 16:16
* jlaska makes note 16:16
jlaska okay ... changing topics ... 16:17
jlaska #topic Adjusting proventesters group to be invite-only 16:17
jlaska Mike Cloaked pointed out on the list that there was a gap in our proventester sign-up procedure 16:17
* jlaska finds link 16:17
jlaska #link 16:18
jlaska The problem is that the FAS group is open for anyone to request membership ... but the documented procedure requires saying hello using a ticket to fedora-qa 16:18
jlaska (which is sent to test@) 16:18
adamw well, we have the same issue with bugzappers 16:18
jlaska I thought nirik had a fine solution for this ... which was to make the FAS group invite-only 16:18
adamw usually we (bugzappers moderators) just manually clean up the bad requests once in a while 16:18
adamw that works too, i guess 16:19
jlaska Reading the feedback on the agenda ... Viking-Ice seemed a bit upset about the idea 16:19
fenrus02 adamw, "once in a while" == daily remove any that sat for 7 days. 16:19
jlaska I believe the concern was we were putting up barriers to joining the group 16:19
fenrus02 emailing test@ with an introduction hardly seems like a barrier? 16:20
jlaska that was my take as well 16:20
jlaska having a group where anyone can click to become a member, but not doing anything ... seems silly 16:21
jlaska but I could be wrong 16:21
fenrus02 no sponsor that way ... trouble 16:21
adamw well, we're not _approving_ those requests 16:21
fenrus02 at the very least, folks should receive a "welcome package" that includes proper ways to do things 16:21
adamw what we could do with them is email the applicants and say 'hey, can you please complete the process properly' 16:21
jlaska right 16:21
fenrus02 adamw, for bz, i do exactly that. 16:22
adamw me too 16:22
jlaska that's another option 16:22
jlaska do we want to make a recommendation here? 16:22
adamw so yeah, in theory, we may lose some people if we make the group invite-only and they're hard of reading 16:22
adamw they may go ' doesn't work' and give up, rather than figuring out the right process 16:22
adamw hard to be sure, though. 16:22
jlaska as long as the manual responses to these requests are in the single digits ... if we have 100's people applying without going through the process 16:23
jlaska I don't see anything wrong with making proventesters invite-only at that point 16:23
jlaska so who scrubs this list ... proventester admins? 16:24
adamw yeah 16:24
fenrus02 jlaska, some sponsor 16:24
adamw as a side-note, we figured out that it's good to BCC the other admins when you do one 16:24
adamw so other admins know it's been taken care of 16:24
jlaska that was going to be my questoin 16:24
adamw there's an alias to use 16:24
jlaska question 16:24
fenrus02 foo-sponsors@fp.o is the format for the alias 16:24
jlaska should I document this on 16:25
jlaska or does this fall under 'common-sense' category? 16:25
adamw erf, probably better to write it down 16:25
adamw i see that bus a-comin' 16:25
fenrus02 jlaska, please add to the wiki page 16:25
jlaska yeah :) 16:25
fenrus02 jlaska, otherwise folks will "forget" 16:25
jlaska alright, I'll add some content and send out to the wiki 16:25
jlaska #action jlaska - update with information about how to handle FAS group requests without a corresponding ticket 16:26
jlaska does this also mean -1 from everyone for the proposal to make the FAS group invite-only? 16:26
jlaska fenrus02: adamw: ? 16:27
jlaska I assume so ... just clarifying 16:27
adamw yeah, for now 16:28
adamw as you said, if we're not coping with the manual process, we can re-visit it 16:28
fenrus02 jlaska, i am missing how a trac ticket becomes a barrier. it requires a FAS login, same as clicking 'add'. We should have a "dont click invite, submit trac ticket for invite" message 16:28
jlaska #info decided to update wiki documentation to clarify process for handling join requests w/o a ticket 16:29
jlaska fenrus02: yeah, the thread outlined some nice-to-have features for FAS ... but I'm leaving that out of this meeting 16:29
jlaska #topic Better living through automation ... autoqa 16:30
jlaska kparal: have a few moments to walk us through the latest'n'greatest? 16:30
kparal sure 16:30
* kparal opening his notes 16:30
kparal this time it's very brief, don't be afraid. the last week's changes: 16:31
kparal #info new_koji_watcher and depcheck branch were reviewed 16:31
kparal Some issues were raised, jskladan and wwoods are working on addressing them. 16:31
jlaska ooh ... kudos for meetbot commands! :D 16:31
wwoods I should have a new patch for review later today 16:31
kparal great 16:32
wwoods actually I guess I can send it right now 16:32
kparal jskladan unfortunately seems to be sick or something 16:32
kparal next... 16:32
kparal #info Together with the review of new_koji_watcher branch we have found a bug in Bodhi where it incorrectly used -pending tags on certain packages. lmacken quickly created a patch, which should be pushed into production soon. 16:32
kparal #link 16:32
kparal I have no estimate when it should be in production, lmacken here? 16:33
kparal nevermind 16:33
kparal and the last one: 16:33
lmacken this week, definitely 16:33
lmacken maybe today 16:33
kparal ah, great 16:33
kparal lmacken: do you also plan to clean up those package that will have incorrect tags? 16:34
kparal *that have 16:34
lmacken kparal: yeah, I think I already added the corresponding checks to my sanity checking code for it 16:34
kparal great 16:34
kparal thanks lmacken 16:34
lmacken np 16:35
kparal and lastly: 16:35
kparal #info jlaska fixed issues that prevented autotest from building on Fedora 14 16:35
kparal That means latest autotest is finally available for Fedora 14 machines, hooray. 16:35
* jlaska had help from lmr 16:35
kparal kudos to lmr too 16:36
kparal ok, that's the last week in a nutshell 16:36
jlaska kparal: thanks for the updates ... anything else you wanted to highlight for next steps? 16:36
* Viking-Ice joins in late fracking Spain opened a can of whoopass on our team 16:38
kparal well, we have a lot of big changes and we want to do a new release. that means we will make sure it works ok -- lot of testing 16:38
kparal or at least a little :-) 16:38
jlaska kparal: sounds good! :) 16:38
jlaska Viking-Ice: welcome 16:38
jlaska okay ... last topic I had on the agenda ... 16:39
jlaska #topic Thu, Jan 27 Test Day -- Network device naming 16:39
jlaska #link 16:39
jlaska I think we're looking pretty good on this event from a preparation perspective 16:39
jlaska the wiki and test cases look good to me 16:40
adamw yeah, me too 16:40
adamw if people could spread the word this week it'd be good 16:40
adamw i'll try and get things out to a few news outlets as this definitely has a potential wider audience 16:40
jlaska Narendra outlined some tests they wanted to run that would need a rawhide boot.iso ... I'll be pulling down a new lorax from mgracik and will try to pungi up some images shortly 16:40
jlaska adamw: awesome, thanks 16:40
jlaska Dell has done a lot of prep for this event ... I'm pretty impressed 16:40
adamw yeah, and they've been very interactive 16:41
jlaska cool seeing this type of interaction 16:41
jlaska almost like someone wrote a really nice SOP for this 16:41
jlaska gosh ... let me thank that person when I see him or her 16:41
adamw haha 16:42
jlaska Narendra sent me a script that participants can run to determine whether they have affected hardware 16:42
adamw yay! my word is their command 16:42
jlaska I'll upload that to the wiki shortly and add links to hte page 16:42
jlaska adamw: operation colada continues 16:42
adamw where's that jimmy buffett cd 16:42
jlaska I threw it away, many years ago 16:43
jlaska okay folks ... it's that time again ... 16:43
* jlaska adds a few meetbot comments first 16:43
jlaska #info jlaska will upload a script provided by Narendra to help participants determine if they have applicable hardware 16:43
jlaska #info Wiki looking good ... many thanks to Narendar & Dell for preparation 16:44
jlaska #help Spread the word -- Test Day this week -- Thu 27, 2011 16:44
jlaska #topic Open discussion - <Your topic here> 16:45
jlaska alright ... open discussion time 16:45
jlaska any takers? 16:45
* jlaska sets the fuse at 2 minutes 16:46
jlaska #topic Next meeting 16:46
fenrus02 fireworks display? 16:46
jlaska fenrus02: excellent idea! :) 16:46
jlaska Just a heads up ... I likely won't be online for the meeting next week 16:46
jlaska I'm happy to send topics to the list on Friday again ... and if anyone is around and wants to drive ... please feel free to 16:47
jlaska and remember ... #meetbot is your friend 16:47
jlaska #info jlaska won't be available for next week meeting (FUDCon) 16:47
jlaska #info Will send topics to the list this week ... anyone welcome to host the meeting next week 16:47
jlaska #topic Open discussion - <Your topic here> 16:47
* jlaska resets fuse at 1 minute 16:48
jlaska meeting ends in 30 seconds ... 16:49
* adamw will drive next week if no-one else wants to 16:49
jlaska alright ... thanks for your time everyone 16:49
jlaska let's call end of meeting 16:49
jlaska I'll send a recap to the list 16:49
jlaska #endmeeting 16:49

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