April 9th, 2011. From 9:00 to 16:00 (-6 GMT)
- Universidad de Ciencias Comerciales, Managua, Nicaragua.
Event Description
This is a Latinamerican event, it is celebrated in many cities. The Nicaraguan team is a mixture of different communities working together. We usually work under the name of GUL-NIC (Linux User Group of Nicaragua). In Here there people from different groups like Ubuntu, Debian, openSUSE, Drupal, and of course Fedora. For Fedora related stuff in this event you can contact Neville A. Cross.
- All Public (It is expected more that 300 persons)
- Install Fest
- There will be a room for installation Joel Davila will be handling Fedora Installs
- Talks
- There will be a room for talks with focus on beginners
- Fedora booth
- There wil be a table for fedora swag
- Fedora Media distribution
- Fedora Flyer with information
- Fedora Stickers
- Fedora t-shirts
- Fedora Cheat Cube
- There wil be a table for fedora swag
Requested US $ 215.62 for media production. [Famsco Ticket 141] A quotation for a Fedora table cloth is on the way.
- Official Page:
- Local Page:
Neville A. Cross did a presentation about Fedora and moved on about showing how a simple application like shotwell can be used for anyone. The rest of the day he was on the booth. Joel Dávila was on install area. Yader Velazquez was taking control of the workshops given on the lab. We got help from Julio Gomez who was on the booth all time, specially useful at the time Neville was giving a presentation.
There were distributed about 100 stickers, 10 Fedora Cheat Cubes, about 20 case badge stickers (shinny), about 100 leaflets with information about fedora.
Sadly the disk were bad, due an error the iso was copied to the media instead of being extracted on the media. There was a mail from Neville A. Cross explaining the error and offering replacement. All people who got media was registered, but some emails were wrong or impossible to read. Big emphasis that this was a error in local production and was nothing to do with Fedora OS or Fedora Project.
We have our first try of the fedora table cloth.
Photos from Neville A. Cross