Larry Letelier
About me
Larry Letelier Chilean Fedora Ambassador Gtalk: barbudone AT gmail DOT com Homepage: |
- Fedora Ambassador for Chile.
About me
I am 29 years old and live in the city of Santiago, Chile . I am a member of the site Fedora project Chile, register-creator of domain (Official Fedora Chile Ambassadors).
I was student of Instituto Profesional Duoc UC, at the moment course Network and Communication Engineering. and am be a very Linux entusiast
- Use GNU/Linux since september, 2002
- GNOME and tty shell.
- I am a RHCE
- I participate in FLISOL 2006 and others GNU/Linux Fedora activities - My Idea is spread free software philosophy around the world (and cosmos). - I participate in FUDCON Chile 2010, FUDCON Panamá 2011
Contact Information:
* Email: (larry.letelier AT gmail DOT com) * Fedora Account: Lletelier
- usually as "geek_cl"
/server Channels:
- #fedora
- #fedora-es
- #fedora-latam