From Fedora Project Wiki


您認為您想擔任 Fedora 大使嗎?這裡有一些您需要有所體認的:

  • 您把您的臉孔和名字給了 Fedora。您是個互動者,友善且和藹可親。Fedora 又大又可怕,但是您將幫忙確認 *每個人* 都能在迷惑的雲霧中找到他們自己的路,進入他們所能貢獻的國度。
  • 您是漿糊。您幫忙將專案中不同部份的不同群人連在一起,因為您總是在和那些有著不同興趣的人們打交道。您應該渴望且高興與 Fedora 的其他部份一同解決問題。
  • 人們是關鍵。每件我們所做的事情 -- 活動、預算、週邊物品、會員驗證、寫網誌 -- 這些都是為了讓那些想要使用 Fedora 或是協助 Fedora 的朋友兜在一塊。Places where Ambassadors get together are one of the few times that Fedora contributors have an opportunity to meet face to face (other than FUDCons and FADs).
  • You are the expert in your region. You understand the culture, the needs, and the best ways to communicate about Fedora and FOSS in your region. FAmSCo and other "leaders" in Fedora *work for you*, and need to listen to what you are saying makes sense. We can't ignore the global picture, but we need to be flexible in adapting to local needs.

If you have questions about your Fedora Ambassadors Membership, please contact the Ambassadors Membership Service at <fama AT fedoraproject DOT org>.

開始成為 Fedora 大使

若要成為羽翼已豐、官方、全力以赴的 Fedora 大使,您還需要一些步驟來完成。

取得您的全球性 Fedora 帳戶

Every contributor to Fedora must first obtain a Fedora Project account. This is handled by the Fedora Account System (FAS).

  • After obtaining a FAS Account, please return here to continue your path to becoming a Fedora Ambassador.

擔任 Fedora 大使

Click here to begin the process of becoming a Fedora Ambassador.