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Revision as of 00:41, 15 July 2011 by Jboggs (talk | contribs)

Ovirt Node Spin


oVirt Node is a small scaled down version of Fedora used solely to hosts virtual machine guests.


Moving to F16 target, the spin did not make it into Fedora 12 due to the current level of blacklisting.( RPM/file system blacklisting has been removed)

Detailed Description

oVirt Node is a small host image that provides libvirt service via KVM to hosts virtual machines. The Ovirt node can be run in standalone mode or in conjunction with different management servers. The ovirt Node Image is a livecd-based image that can be installed to the hosts physical storage, or run as a live image off a cd or usb key.

Benefit to Fedora

Easy way for users of Fedora and oVirt to download an oVirt Node image. This lessens the difficulty by not requiring the user to build an ISO image or being distributed in a RPM.

Kickstart File

Notes about kickstart part / is set to 1024 for a smaller footprint, disk usage is approximatly 670MB

One section in the kickstart is set --nochroot to put version details directly on the iso. This is used for comparision between upgrade scenaros. We can remove this if its just not possible.

All previous blacklisting has been removed

ISO Name / FS Label

  • FS Label: Fedora-16-x86_64-Ovirt-Node
  • ISO Name: Fedora-16-x86_64-Ovirt-Node.iso


BZ# 719184 Updated virt-manager from upstream for a text based ui of vm management

Scope / Testing

  • Run basic spin testing
  • oVirt Node can boot boot from CD/pxeboot
  • Can install successfully via gui and autoconfig via kernel arg parameters
  • Set authentication, hostname, and iSCSI initiator successfully.
  • Set basic network and VLAN network configuration successfully.
  • rsyslog functions work.
  • Kdump functions work.
  • virt-manager-tui runs and can add storage.
  • VMs run on oVirt Node successfully.

Test Frequency - major builds steps (Alpha/Beta/RC)

Initially we will do builds and post them at each cycle. We'd like to get integrated with Fedora's Release Engineering and incorporate it into Koji.

Comments and Discussion