Ask Fedora is a community knowledge base and wiki and designed to be the primary place for community support in Fedora. It is powered by Askbot. Rahul Sundaram has explained the history of the project here. We are currently running a staging instance for your feedback. Ask Fedora will have a soft launch by end of September and will do a full launch in sync with Fedora 16 release schedule.
If you have any feedback on the Ask Fedora, you can directly post a comment or question to the site and tag it as "meta". You can also join us at #askbot IRC channel in or post to Fedora infrastructure mailing list.
You can help by testing the staging instance, designing a logo or a mascot or developing features for Askbot
Rahul Sundaram initiated a earlier effort for editors to interface with developers and directly answer user questions as part of the Fedora Weekly News. This effort didn't scale and is now defunct.