From Fedora Project Wiki
This test case tests the pm-powersave command (pm-utils package) and the AC / battery detection (upower package).
- Check that you have pm-test-day package installed:
$ rpm -q pm-test-day
- Install the test script that will react to the AC / battery transitions:
# ln -s /usr/bin/pmtd /etc/pm/power.d/
How to test
- Run on AC.
- In terminal run:
# tail -f /tmp/pmtd.log
- Disconnect AC and run only on battery.
- Wait several seconds.
- Re-connect AC.
Expected Results
- System properly reacts to AC / battery change.
- "BATTERY" is written to /tmp/pmtd.log (and displayed in terminal, if you run the tail -f /tmp/pmtd.log) when switched to battery.
- "AC LINE" is written to /tmp/pmtd.log (and displayed in terminal, if you run the tail -f /tmp/pmtd.log) when switched to AC.