From Fedora Project Wiki
Work Flow
- Problem is identified
- Bug is filed in Bugzilla
- Someone fixes the bug and submits a patch to Bugzilla (same ticket) for consideration
- Filer confirms the patch fixes the problem
- Bug goes to Docs QA (Bug set to "ON QA")
- Docs QA checks the items documented in the Docs QA Review Guidelines in the patch
- Docs QA sets ticket as "VERIFIED"
- Author patches guide, publishes the new version, closes bug
Possible Alternate Work Flow
This is proposed by crantila as a way to deal with the issues of not having enough consistently active contributors.
- Problem is identified
- Bug is filed in Bugzilla
- Someone fixes the bug and submits a patch to Bugzilla (same ticket) for consideration
- Filer confirms the patch fixes the problem
- Bug goes to Docs QA (Bug set to "ON_QA")
- Guide owner patches guide.
- If a fix is needed for the current release, owner says so and requests immediate QA action. Patch is applied to current release and master.
- Otherwise, the fix is applied to the master branch.
- Docs QA checks the items documented in the Docs QA Review Guidelines in the patch, on the timeline requested by the guide owner. If a Guide's dedicated QA contact does not respond within a week, or says they cannot fulfill their duties in the timeline requested, somebody else can jump in.
- Docs QA sets the bug to "VERIFIED"
- When a Guide is branched for release, all patches can be included, even if they are still "ON_QA," but the bug remains ON_QA so the QA contact can verify the fix eventually.