From Fedora Project Wiki
Ambassadors notes
Requeriments to be an ambassador
- Not only have the spirit of contributing but also the conviction to do it.
- Commitment is a MUST.
- Interact with other users and Teams.
- Develop and/or work on ideas that can make Fedora a better place/distro
Ambassadors tasks
- Make ambassadors gear between teams and new contributors
- Ambassadors can guide new candidates through the same ambassador program
- Assign tasks before they open an ambassador request ticket
- Help teams to interact with new contributors
- make a group+trac-instance mentorees (or call them whatever) - but no mailing list(to enforce the personal relation)!
- make the group a place to go for absolute beginners or people who feel they need mentoring
- joining groups directly by having a sponsor is still possible
Mentors notes
Mentors selection process
- Mentors should show a record that shows their goals.
- events AND projects(teams) where he have help and serve as gear for other members to join
- at least 1year serving (non-stop) as ambassador
- Selection steps:
- Nominated by a mentor, ambassador or self nomination
- Mentors goals and archivements are review by FAmSCo and Regional Mentors
- Each 6 months a Regional vote is being made by all ambassadors
- The Candidate who gets more votes will be set as new Mentor
Questions you might like to ask to an Ambassador Candidate
- How long have you been using Linux?... and specifically Fedora?
- What drove you to Fedora in the first place?
- What do you like about the Fedora distribution?
- Do you know other Fedora users? Did you help them to set up their computers with Linux/Fedora?
- Have you participated in a Free Software events?
- Have you worked as a representative for Fedora at any event?
- What in the Fedora community in $REGION and world wide do you like?
- How do you think you can do to help improve Fedora?
- What ideas do you have for improving the Fedora project?
- What do you consider your most important skills or things you most enjoy to do? (If you have links would be great :) )
- What projects do you currently participate in and which ones would you like to get more involved in?
- Tell us a little about yourself, a small biography to help us know you better :D