LinuxFest NorthWest (LFNW) 2012
Saturday, April 28th and Sunday, April 29th Bellingham Technical College Air to BLI, Drive I-5, Rail, Bus or Ferry to Bellingham Port, or Ride-Share
Event Description
LinuxFest Northwest (LFNW) is the 13th annual premier Linux event in the northwestern U.S. Two days of Linux related talks, exhibition space for clubs and vendors, after-fest event on Saturday and the World Famous Raffle. Besides a thousand linux enthusists this event also attracts local residents who are curious about linux.
Event Owners
Fedora Representatives
Jeff Sandys Ambassador more to come
Event Schedule
[Sessions Schedule] Presentations are not finalized, look for a list of fedora events here soon.
- Demo fedora 17
- kid friendly OLPC
- fedora-PlantCCRMA music demo
- your idea?
Please add yourself if you're planning to spend at least a little while at the Fedora Booth helping out.
Who | Saturday | Sunday |
Jeff Sandys | X | X |
Second booth volunteer | ? | ? |
Who's next? Add yourself here | ? | ? |
The Second booth volunteer will get a NFNW Tee Shirt, and lunch both days!
I'll have a computer with fedora 16 and 17, my laptop with Planet CCRMA music applications, and a OLPC.
Important Deadlines
- Presentations due March 1st
Event Budget
Item | Cost | Comments |
Ambassador team lodging | $376* | Two rooms for two nights (Fri/Sat) at Hampton at the special LFNW rate (~94/night) |
Ambassador travel expenses | ? | |
LFNW sponsorship | $400* | Silver level with 6 foot table |
Buffer | $200 | Cost overruns, etc. |
Printing | $20 | Handouts of presentation times, etc. |
SWAG? | $0* | USB keys? etc.? (NOTE: not swag already in West Coast event box) |
/*/ Tentative budget items based on estimates; upcoming confirmation of costs and/or additional expenses may change the budget in either direction.
Travel Subsidy Requests
Event Report
My blog and others will be listed here
- 2012-03-06 - Page created