From Fedora Project Wiki
Under construction
File:Artwork ArtTeamProjects Fedora7Remix Rhgb MainLogo MainLogoMockup.png
The balloon concept of the Main Logo is retained in the revised artwork. A subliminal branding improvement was made by adding the "7" to the balloon.
The completed image should be named 'main-logo.png' and must reside in the '/usr/share/rhgb/' folder.
- Download the following files
- Open a terminal session and login as root
- ie. $ su <return>
- Navigate to the folder containing the above files
- ie. # cd myDownloads
- Execute script
- ie. # sh <return>
- Respond <y> when asked "Proceed y/N?"
- ie. Proceed y/N? y <return>
- Close terminal window when script is done
- ie. "All done ..."
Reboot your computer to view the changes.
~+Installation Script+~
#!/bin/bash # # # clear echo echo " ##### ##" echo " ### ##" echo " ### ##" echo " ######## ###### ###### ## ####### ### ### #######" echo " ### ### ### ### ### ### ### #### ### ###" echo " ### ########## ### ## ### ### ### ### ###" echo " ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###" echo " ### ######## ###### ## ######## ### ###### ##" echo echo " RHGB Main-logo Image Installation" echo echo echo if [ "$UID" -ne "0" ] then echo echo "Sorry, this script must be run as root (su)." echo exit 1 fi echo -n "Proceed y/N? " read ans case $ans in "y" | "Y" ) ;; * ) echo echo "Thank you :)" echo exit;; esac # # if [ ! -r "/usr/share/rhgb/main-logo.png.sav" ] then echo echo "Copying current image to (main-logo.png.sav) ..." cp /usr/share/rhgb/main-logo.png /usr/share/rhgb/main-logo.png.sav fi # # cp main-logo.png /usr/share/rhgb/main-logo.png chmod 755 /usr/share/rhgb/main-logo.png echo echo "Done ..." echo