Fedora Theming Overview
There is a heckuva lotta stuff you can change the look of in Fedora. Isn't open source software great? :) Even better, you can unify the look of the entire distribution by following a common theme across these customizable screens/widgets/layouts/whatchamacallits.
If you've got great ideas for a design but are not technically-inclined, or want to learn how to code up your own themes but need help - no worries. Pass your mockups along; you can upload them to ThemeConcepts - and be sure to post the link to fedora-art-list so we can all marvel at your handiwork!
Here's an overview of the components that have gone into past Fedora themes so you can get an idea of what you can change the look of and how to test out your artwork.
Artwork seen during installation
This is all artwork users will only see on a limited basis - during and directly after installation. This is not the artwork users will be looking at day in and day out.
Anaconda Prompt Screen
Only seen during installation. Pretty much the *first* thing you see when you boot up with the install CD/DVD.
File:Artwork ThemingOverview 01Syslinux.png | |
Description: | Splash screen used at the boot prompt with syslinux/isolinux. This gets transformed into the syslinux specific format. |
File Name + Extension: | same image, two locations:
Package: | fedora-logos / redhat-logos |
Size: | 640x300 pixels |
Colors: | 16-color palette (should be an indexed .png with #000000, #ffffff, #cdcfd5, #5b6c93, and #c90000 in your palette). |
| |
Testing Notes: | The final file format of this graphic is 'lss'. To test it out there are programs available such as ppmtolss that will let you convert this image to lss to try it out (of course to use that you'd have to convert to ppm first. :) ) Once you have converted it to lss, create an installation CD, putting your newly-created lss file in the /isolinux directory, naming it 'splash.lss'. --[MairinDuffy] |
Anaconda Screen - Splash
Only seen during installation. There is a 'splash' component to the wizard as well as a customizable banner. Appears after the first screen above.
[[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_02AnacondaSplash.png] | <^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: | This is the the "splash" component to the Installation Wizard. It is comprised of two pieces of artwork...the header [1] and the center image [2] . |
[[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<-2> FC5: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_02fc5.png,width=120,height=90] FC6: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_02fc6.png,width=120,height=90] F7: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_02f7.png,width=120,height=90] F8: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_02f8.png,width=120,height=90] || Anaconda Screen - ProgressOnly seen during installation. This is the 'countdown' screen after you've already picked all your preferences and let the installer do its magic. :) [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<^ |12> [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_03AnacondaProgress.png] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || This is the the "progress" component to the Installation Wizard. It is comprised of two pieces of artwork...the header [1] (same as Anaconda Prompt Screen - Splash) and the center image [2b/c] . ||
[[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<-2> FC5: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_03fc5.png,width=120,height=90] FC6: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_03fc6.png,width=120,height=90] F7: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_03f7.png,width=120,height=90] F8: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_03f8.png,width=120,height=90] || First BootUsers only see this the very first time they boot their system after installing it. It walks the user through additional configuration of their system post-installation (keyboard layout, language, time zone, etc.) There is a splash (shown in screenshot below) as well as a banner along the left side. [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<^ |12> [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_06Firstboot.png] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || Walks user through additional configuration of their system post-installation. It is comprised of two pieces of artwork...the banner along the left side [1] and a splash image [2] . ||
[[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<-2> FC5: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_06fc5.png,width=120,height=90] FC6: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_06fc6.png,width=120,height=90] F7: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_06f7.png,width=120,height=90] F8: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_06f8.png,width=120,height=90] ||
Artwork seen during bootupBelow is artwork users will see every time they boot their system. GRUB (Grand Unified Bootloader)This is seen *every time the computer boots*, and is used to select the kernel to run as well as other boot-time options. Note that for FC5, some people complained that this screen was too bright and hurt their eyes - people are used to a dark screen for this. [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<^ |12> [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_04Grub.png] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || Seen every time the computer boots, this screen is where the selection of which kernel to run and other boot-time options, are made. ||
[[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<-2> FC5: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_04fc5.png,width=120,height=90] FC6: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_04fc6.png,width=120,height=90] || RHGB (Red Hat Graphical Boot)Shown to the users every time they boot their machine up. The user may be staring at this for a while depending on how slow startup is, so make this pretty. :) [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<^ |18> [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_05RHGBa.png]
[[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<-2> FC5: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_05fc5a.png,width=120,height=90] FC6: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_05fc6a.png,width=120,height=90] F7: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_05f7a.png,width=120,height=90] F8: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_05f8a.png,width=120,height=90]
GDM (Gnome Display Manager)Basically, the login screen. If users leave their computers on all the time and don't share their system they won't see this as often as users who share a desktop system with other users on the system or laptop users who reboot and login more frequently. [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<^ |7> [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_07GDM.png] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || Login Screen. ||
[[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<-2> FC5: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_07fc5.png,width=120,height=90] FC6: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_07fc6.png,width=120,height=90] F7: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_07f7.png,width=120,height=90] F8: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_07f8.png,width=120,height=90] ||
GNOME Splash ScreenNOTE: Please don't focus on this graphic piece as it's turned off by default in both upstream and Fedora's GNOME. It's basically a little graphic that shows GNOME's startup, but GNOME starts up quick enough these days that it's not really necessary anymore. [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<^ |10> [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_08ExtensionSplash.png] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || Splash screen after a user succesfully authentificated on login screen.
[[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<-2> FC5: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_08fc5.png,width=120,height=90] FC6: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_08fc6.png,width=120,height=90] F7: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_08f7.png,width=120,height=90] F8: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_08f8.png,width=120,height=90] || High-Visibility ArtworkThis is artwork users are going to see all the time - so let's get it right. :) Background/Wallpaper[[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<^ |10> [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_09Background.png] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || Background for desktop. ||
[[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<-2> FC5: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_09fc5.png,width=120,height=90] FC6: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_09fc6.png,width=120,height=90] F7: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_09f7.png,width=120,height=90] F8: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_09f8.png,width=120,height=90] || GNOME Screensaver Lock DialogNOTE: Please don't focus on this graphic piece as it's turned off by default in both upstream and Fedora's GNOME. [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<^ |10> [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_10LockDialog.png] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || Login dialog which appears when the user returns after screensaver is running. Currently off by default. ||
[[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<-2> FC5: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_10fc5.png,width=120,height=90] FC6: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_10fc6.png,width=120,height=90] F7: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_10f8.png,width=120,height=90] F8: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_10f8.png,width=120,height=90] || KDE ArtworkLet's not forget the KDE fans. :) KDE Splash[[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<^ |26> [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_11KDEsplash.png] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || KDE ksplash is a part of redhat-logos. The theme should be installed in /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/X (X is the name of the Theme). There is one (1) preview image, one (1) resource file, and Image01 is comprised of four (4) pieces. || [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<-2> FC5: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_11fc5.png,width=120,height=90] FC6: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_11fc6.png,width=120,height=90] F7: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_11f7.png,width=120,height=90] F8: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_11f8.png,width=120,height=90] || KDE Login[[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<^ |16> [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_12KDElogin.png] ||<^ style="color: #636363;"> Description: || KDE Login is comprised of one (1) preview image, one (1) background color designation, and Image01 which is the logo. ||
[[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_||<-2> FC5: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_12fc5.png,width=120,height=90] FC6: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_12fc6.png,width=120,height=90] F7: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_12f7.png,width=120,height=90] F8: [[Image:Artwork_ThemingOverview_12f8.png,width=120,height=90] || Non-Release Dependent ArtworkThere's other types of artwork we can change but don't necessarily have to change with each release. A pretty exhaustive list is available on Marketing's Fedora Branding Page . A small sample follows below. Metacity (Window manager)The main visual component of metacity themes is the titlebar of windows, but there are other things you can do with it too. GTK (Gimp Tool Kit)This refers to the basic look of windows... their color, the appearance of their widgets, etc. The default GTK+ engine we use in Fedora is Clearlooks. The Widget Factory is a great program for testing the look of your themes. It also has a great screenshot of the program, displaying all of the different widgets that can be styled for GTK2. Users can get the widget factory on Fedora Extras repository with the following command
GnomeArt GTK2 Theme Creation Tutorial