Valentin-Stefan Cobelea
I am using Fedora since its beginning, at home and of course at the office. Before Fedora, I was using RedHat Linux and I was deeply enjoying it.
I am a senior engineer in a Romanian office of a major U.S. Devices Software Optimization company, where I am a Development Engineer.
- Email: too much spam, email removed (mail me using the Fedora Project email)
- Skype: valentin.cobelea
- IRC: kobelev @ #fedora-ambassadors , #fedora-meeting , #fedora-mktg , #fedora-bugzappers , #fedora-python , #fedora-ro , #fedora
- GPG key: 7695 7091 93B6 9B9B 865C 53A7 EB97 8A6E 0ADA 6AF7
- Fedora Account: Valente
Activities within Fedora
File:Ambassadors Header AmbassadorsN1.png
- I've been accepted as an ambassador.
- Since in the area where I live there is no big activity regarding Linux, I'll do my best at work, to help my colleagues with Fedora related problems.
- I've been accepted as a bug-zapper.
- Established contact with the Romanian team from Fedora Project.
- Bugs reporting (as many as I can do with ABRT).
Fedora and me
- I like and use Fedora for everything I need. I want people to know about Fedora and what it could offer them.
- When somebody needs help with some issue I always explain and show how to solve that.
- I've created several documents that shows solutions for general problems, patches, manuals etc. All these things are really helping people, for instance here in the office where I work, because I see that there is no "publicity" for Fedora.
- Looking at other Linux distros, I think branded CDs, DVDs and even USB-data sticks could make more people use Fedora.
Vali's Linux From Scratch
- vlfs 0.34 [sNOW]
v0.34d @TBU > mainly will consist of improving the system stability; v0.34c @120430 > improved bookmark control; > improved startup script (apps only); > several apps updated (mozilla f/t, skype, xchat); > bug B02 is related to the event listener that openBox has, cant fix without changing openBox internal behavior; v0.34b @120305 > implemented bookmarks control for folder and/or files. > stability check. > fixed bug v0.34a.B01. > previous bug v0.34a.B02 accepted as non-blocking. kernel update to v3.2.7. v0.34a @120203 > huge system stability improvement (no crashes in the last 2 months). > good job Mozilla! - finally less memory consumption for Firefox & Thunderbird. > bug B01: default terminal window setup is faulty. > bug B02: volume (amixer/volumeicon) does not unmute when volume goes up (muted prior). > bug B03:FIXED: ffmpeg-libs unable to dep-link with the latest version of libvpx (which is mandatory for firefox/xulrunner). kernel updated to v3.2.2. grub2 updated to v1.99. libreOffice update to v3.4.4. Mozilla apps update. v0.34 branch @111223
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
- vlfs 0.33 [i3u3]
v0.33final reached @111222 > longest time frame (4.5 months) for a branch until this moment. > -three months and a half of pre-release development and testing, and, another month of releases (four of them). > indexed around 100 working machines with this branch (90% reported to be for testing, chroot & learning). > it was the first x64 vlfs. > hostname.DNS still buggy (bug not blocking / bug accepted). > looking into removing openJDK. v0.33d @111219 kernel 3.1.5 RAM 330+MB after boot / user logon. RAM 1010MB in normal dev usage mode. nVidia kmod updated. terminal windows predefined setup. xfce-notifyd instead of notif-daemon. firefox & thunderbird seems NOT to occupy so much RAM any more. faster boot, in average with 2 sec. stability++. v0.33c @111214 volumeicon in tray. media buttons (better than ever). audacious as default player (+codecs). pcmanfm2 as file browser is back. battery-metter replaced by tint2 defaults. urxvt instead of xterm. nVidia kmod updated. startall script updated. eth0 -> em1 (ethernet main); some system wide bug fixes - network, UI, X11. /media & /run are tmpfs now. httpd up. pastebin server up. v0.33b @111128 arch: x64. kernel: 3.1.2. ui: OpenBox 3.5; tint2; XscreenSaver. gpu driver: nvidia. v0.33a @111126 kernel: 3.1.0. gpu driver: nouveau. + see above probably i3wm will be postponed to v0.33c or v0.33.1. things look more than perfect, RAM consumption 64MB, disk space 360MB, boot time (until login) 9 seconds average. probably this will be labeled to 0.40 instead of 0.33. preparing huge system overhaul: based on kernel 3.0x / 3.1x, and i3WM (now you see why so many '3's in the name). UI: OpenBox/tint2/xScreenSaver will be included also as alternative setup for i3WM/i3Bar/i3Lock. FS: probably BTRfs - if it will get 'more' stable until December 1st. ext4E still included. Apps: latest and greatest. v0.33 branch @111102
- vlfs 0.32 [VBOX2]
v0.32b - update mainly v0.32 branch will continue until 0.32c updated Firefox & Thunderbird + themes changed (to a more compact look). default settings for terminals and windows in general changed. updated Deluge - default torrent client. <*> abandoned the SawfishWM branch. <*> abandoned the ScrotWM (wird name) branch. <*> continue the i3WM branch - things look more than awesome :D . v0.32a - stability improvement on Dell and Asus notebooks v0.32 branch @110724
- vlfs 0.31 [VBOX1] reached @110723 improved boot time (cleaner modules list). new terminator UI. latest kernel on 2.6.35 (@110620). integrated Pidgin for the other IM protocols. start working on a P$3 spin (thx Rapth0R). start testing BTRFS (versus current EXT4) - so far so good. v0.31 branch @110516
- vlfs 0.30 [D3US] reached @110513 send me an email/message for repo (git) access (limited to less than 40 users). continue to final version. more usable UI space, by using lightweight mods/skins/themes in application. full system update - tested on heavy duty. included GNU Make 3.81 (as "make_381") for @ndroid kernel build compatibility. started testing Scrotwm [1] as alternative WM againts Openbox. named vlfs 0.30s - Scrotwm instead of Openbox, two different branches only for testing. fixed 38 bugs out of 41 (reported). received reports of vlfs running mainly on low-specs machines (specially nettops). 0.30.beta out on 110506 0.30.alpha out on 110404 screen from 0.30a :
- vlfs 0.29 [DEU2]
counted 409 active machines with vlfs 0.29 @110130 - no more registrations slots. reached @110129 continue the 0.29 branch development until 0.30 will become final 0.28 branch closed performance improvements mainly more server side support full i686 system kernel upgrade to 2.6.37 branch
- vlfs 0.28.0 [DEUS]: reached @101220 0.28.2 out on 110124 - last subversion on this branch update distribution logo [done] nVidia accelerated drivers as default [done] tint2 update & new look [done] OpenBox update [done] VPN support in wicd[done] kernel update to latest @2.6.35 branch [done] libraries updates for: -glibc [done] -GCC [done] apps updates for: -Firefox [done] -Thunderbird [done] -Deluge [done] -terminator [done] -mc [done] apps changes: -replace file manager with: Xfe [done] -replace pdf viewer with: xPDF [done] distro clean: -unneeded libs and apps [done] GUI updates / new things: -no graphical boot (remove "rhgb" and "quiet" from grub.conf) [done] -new GTK2 theme [done] -new mouse pointer [done] -new volumeicon theme [done] -new wallpapers [done] -new Grub splash image [done]
- vlfs 0.27.3 is out: faster than previous, cleaned the services list, removed unneeded libraries (*-devel mainly), several core apps upgraded.
- vlfs 0.27.2 released: no window decoration (default), many system wide key-binds, automated application start with proper (pre-set) layout, quad monitor support (multiple CRTC support in graphical card required).
- version 0.27 of vlfs released: openBox & tint2 (Gnome/KDE free) otimization and setup.
- version 0.26 of vlfs out: RPM-build support added, yum added as default pkg manager, yumex added (as less as it can be, the RPMs and yum*, will be used only for end user apps), many optimizations done in the process list and start sequence.
- version 0.25 of vlfs lived shortly, it was mainly a RPM packages test versus direct software install from archives.
- version 0.24 of vlfs done: removed NetworkManager, using now: wicd.
- versions 0.21 -> 0.23 of vlfs were mainly file system, configuration, packages (libs, bins & apps) versions changes and way too many stability tests.
- v0.19.3 renamed to v0.20 after the kernel was built from scratch.
- First official version (0.19.3) of vlfs released: using: terminator, conky, pcmanFM...
- several versions were done for personal use ONLY, highly experimental in what the GUI could offered.
Latest things I've done
latest here...
- Renamed my personal Linux distro to VLFS, from vaLinux.
- Prepared for winter holidays.
- Finalized the vlfs 0.33 branch with a fourth release.
- Got Fedora 16 before the release, good thing that download link rename always works. PS I was in the first ten to have F16.
- Started the vlfs v0.33 - complete system change (see above).
- Hmmm, removed the old Fedora 12 from my server, preparing for F16.
- Pro commented on BTRFS as default in the next Fedora release.
- Updated to Fedora 15 on the repo server.
- Voted for Fedora 16 name.
- Continue the vlfs project with a new release v0.29.beta on January 21, 2011.
- Downloaded Fedora 14 (i386, x64 and live spins) and installed.
- Played with Fedora 14.beta on several machines.
- Start working on a new project vlfs : my own Fedora-based distro: minimal installation, outstanding performances, GUI based on: XDM/Openbox/Tint2, NO GNOME/KDE !!
- Created a Pastebin server based on Fedora 10 running on an old computer.
- Already downloading the Fedora 13 release. Informing the nation about this on: irc channels, forums, mailing-lists.
- Waiting for Fedora 13 release on May 25th.
- Subscribed to other mailing-lists: python-devel & kernel-devel.
- Voted for Fedora 14 name.
- Tried Fedora 13 Beta.
- Created a LXDE spin with Revisor: only development tools are integrated, plus some internet tools.
- Played with the LXDE official spin.
- Reported many bugs (almost 40 I think) using the Automatic Bug Reporting Tool. I've also offered some feedback for all the questions I've received in the bugs comments.
- Making my laptop a triple-view machine: laptop display (default), LCD monitor #1 (via DVI), LCD monitor #2 (via VGA). So cool and so much space.
- Converting another dude to Fedora.
- Wrote a HOW-TO with many details and screen-shots about Fedora 12/11 install in parallel with Windowz 7.
- Voted on all the available polls, on December 7th.
- Moving all my previous spins to Fedora 12.
- Fixing the Hu@wei E220 3G modem issues on the Fedora 12. Posting the solution ( ) so all the Fedora users can enjoy a well paid internet connection.
- Downloading Fedora 12.... yes I'm doing this already by changing "11" to "12" in the download filename :) .
- Start working on a Fedora 12 beta (for the moment) Media Center spin for my brand new nettop.
- Testing Fedora 12 beta on several machines.
- Downloading (and sharing) Fedora 12 beta.
- Several replies on, just helping the brotherhood :) .
- Sharing CDs/DVDs to my work colleagues/friends/Linux enthusiasts with the above mentioned spins.
- Adding new applications to my server dedicated Fedora spin.
- Bringing more adepts (colleagues) to Fedora Project.
- Creating another Fedora spin, very small and robust, text only dedicated to my home server called DeuSServer.
- Finalizing the Fedora "DevSpin".
- Using the Fedora 11 as work environment.
- Start working on creating a Fedora Spin dedicated to development work.
- Wrote an article on .
- Installed Fedora 11, and presented to my fellow colleagues from the office.
- Start giving away LiveCDs to Fedora users.
- Received a package with Fedora stuff: tshirt, LiveCDs, stickers. Started to give to colleagues at work, at the University of Galati, Linux fans.
- Contact the other Fedora Project members from Romania to get some branded LiveCDs. So I could give them to people around me who need them.
- Helped a colleague with a serious NetworkManager problem.
- Proposed the name "Deus" for Fedora 12. Waiting and hopping to be approved.
- Gone to a long good vacation.
- Created, tested and presented my master diploma project on Fedora 10.
- Tested Fedora 11 Beta release with my colleagues.
- Established contact with the other Romanian fellows from Fedora Project (thanks Nicu for all the infos).
- Presented to my office colleagues how to create .rpm packages for Fedora, from .deb and archives.
- Helped a guy from Republic of Moldavia to setup his computer with Fedora 10.
- Created a topic on an important Romanian Linux forum regarding joining to Fedora Project.
- Invited a colleague from the office to participate to Fedora Project. He enlisted as BugZapper (
- Subscribed to Fedora BugZappers group.
- Contributions on several topics on a Romanian large forum.
- Tested Fedora 11 Alpha release and presented to my colleagues the new things added.
- Start working on creating service packs (with Service Packs Creator) for computers that don't have internet access (due to security issues).
- Fixed the error caused by the kernel on several Dell D630 notebooks (mine was the "guinee pig").
- Created USB memory sticks with Fedora 10 as rescue solutions for broken computers.
- Installed and configured Fedora on several computers as base servers for different projects.
- Created several how-to wiki pages (inside company) for Fedora problems/issues.
- Helped my colleagues with the PackageKit update problem.