About me
Real name: Dan Mashal IRC nick: dan408 Member of the following teams: Ambassadors, Packagers, and QA email: dan.mashal AT fedoraproject.org Packages: BitchX
I started running Linux around the 2.0.26 days.
I am an all around jack of all trades seasoned sysadmin and long time fan of the Fedora project.
I am very well versed in almost every OS. (Linux (and it's various distros), FreeBSD, Windows (all versions), and OSX).
I am always on IRC. Feel free to send me a message and ask me a question and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
I am always looking for ways that I can contribute to the Fedora community.
You can usually find me in #Fedora-Ambassadors, #fedora, #fedora-devel, #fedora-qa, #fedora-meeting, #fedora-test-day, #fedora-bugzappers, #vbox and #bitchx.
I am also currently the Fedora package maintainer for the BitchX IRC client and a member of the Fedora Bug Zappers group.
BitchX in the Fedora package database.
Some of the things I like to do (besides contributing to Fedora) are helping charities, giving back to the community, and helping out people that aren't as fortunate as I've been in life.
2 charities I support:
1) Be the Match Foundation
2) Sharks Foundation
I am also a registered blood and platelet donor with Stanford Blood Center and donate regularly.
This year (2012) for the first time ever I participated in Be The Match Foundation's "Be The One Run".
In less than 5 days I was able to raise $200 in the name of Leukemia.
Besides that I'm an avid hockey fan and love traveling, trying new foods, being social and playing video games.
Future Plans
1) Becoming a member of the Fedora Design team. 3) Creating a spin called "fedora-devel" that will be a spin targeted specifically at developers and programmers. 4) Creating a larger local Fedora community as an ambassador. 5) Never ending QA work and bug zapping. :) 6) World domination.
Member of BAMF