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Revision as of 12:51, 31 May 2012 by Robyduck (talk | contribs)

Robert Mayr
Robert Mayr
Robert Mayr
Robert Mayr
Personal Information
Home: Lodi, Italy
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: robyduck
Miscellaneous Information
Private Mail:
IRC: robyduck on Libera.Chat, in:
Badges (166)
Associate Editor Riddle Me This You can call me "Patches" (SCM I) You can call me "Patches" (SCM II) Flock 2013 Attendee Involvement Speak Up! Secretary General Ambassador Junior Editor Bloggin' it! (Planet I) Junior Badger (Badger I) Curious Penguin (Ask Fedora I) Paranoid Panda Mugshot Tanked! You can call me "Patches" (SCM III) Nuancier Badge Muse (Badge Ideas I) Let Me Introduce Myself White Rabbit Crypto Panda Baby Badger Embryo Tadpole Egg Civic Duty Ambassadors Sponsor Crypto Badger Rockin' & Rollin' Bloggin' it! (Planet II) Nuancier 21 Macklemore (Tagger V) Grandmaster Package Tagger (Package Tagger V) Senior Badger (Badger II) Like a Rock (Updates-Stable I) Perceiving the Bull (Tester III) What goes around comes around (Karma I) FUDCon Managua If you build it... (Koji Success II) Catching the Bull (Tester IV) Taming the Bull (Tester V) Macaron (Cookie I) Delivery Flock 2015 Attendee You can pry it from my cold, dead hands Telegraphist (Upstream Release Monitoring I) Riding the Bull Home (Tester VI) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build I) Fedora Legal Badge of Doom Bloggin' it! (Planet IV) White Hat Keepin Fedora Beautiful (F23) Black and White (Cookie III) Partners in Crime Chief Editor Nuancier F24 Nuancier F25 Nuancier F26 Council Member Flock 2017 Attendee Steampunk Arcade XFCE SIG Badge Junkie (Badger IV) Flock 2017 Organizer Fedora Advocate FAD Rheinfelden 2013 Attendee FAmSCo Member Let's do lunch! Heartbleed Buster FUDCon Beijing Flock Paparazzi Senior Editor Readiness Junior Package Tagger (Package Tagger I) Junior Tagger (Tagger I) Package Tagger (Package Tagger II) Tagger (Tagger II) Chief Tagger (Tagger VI) Chief Package Tagger (Package Tagger VI) ZOMG Tagger (Tagger VII) ZOMG Package Tagger (Package Tagger VII) Discovery of the Footprints (Tester II) In Search of the Bull (Tester I) It still works! What goes up... (Koji Failure I) Bloggin' it! (Planet III) Missed the Train Associate Badger (Badger 1.5) Let's have a party (Fedora 21) Flock 2015 Speaker What goes around comes around (Karma II) Origin Master Editor Chocolate Chip (Cookie II) Is this thing on? (Updates-Testing II) Clickbait (Fedora Magazine II) Clickbait (Fedora Magazine I) Extra!  Extra! Science (Kernel Tester I) Nom Nom Nom Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build II) Apprentice (Badge Artist I) Master Badger (Badger III) Common Bugs Contributor Science (Kernel Tester IV) The Bull Transcended (Tester VII) Helping Hand Top 10 Top 100 Top 500 Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build V) Maestro Badge Muse (Badges Released II) Keepin Fedora Beautiful (F24) Community Messenger I Keepin Fedora Beautiful (F25) FUDCon Phnom Penh 2016 Attendee FUDCon Phnom Penh 2016 Speaker Parselmouth I Rainbow (Cookie V) Nuancier F28 Vacation Senior Tagger (Tagger III) Senior Package Tagger (Package Tagger III) Master Package Tagger (Package Tagger IV) Master Tagger (Tagger IV) Bona Fide If you build it... (Koji Success I) Take this and call me in the morning Is this thing on? (Updates-Testing I) Corporate Drone Science (Kernel Tester III) Science (Kernel Tester II) The cat came back... Like a Rock (Updates-Stable II) Badge Muse (Badges Released I) Fedora IT Author Websites.NEXT FUDCon Cordoba 2015 Speaker Nuancier F23 FUDCon Cordoba 2015 Attendee Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build IV) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build III) If you build it... (Koji Success III) Override, you say? Curious Penguin (Ask Fedora II) Top 25 Mad Science (Kernel Tester V) Tadpole with Legs Curious Penguin (Ask Fedora III) Badger of Urbino (Badge Artist II) Birth of Badger (Badge Artist III) Pizzelle (Cookie IV) Bob Loblaw (Planet V) Keepin Fedora Beautiful (F26) Badger Padawan The Blessing of the FPL Long Life to Pagure (Pagure I) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure VI) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure IV) Meeting of the Minds Fedora Mindshare FAD 2018 Long Life to Pagure (Pagure V) Adult Frog Froglet


I was born in Stuttgart (Germany) and since my third year of life I lived in South-Tyrol, until 2010 when I went to Lodi, near Milan. Practice sports is one of the hobbies I like more and I also was part of the italian national junior team in athletics, decathlon. Actually I do all kind of sports, from icehockey, biking, to windsurfing and running.
In my working life I'm in the sector of finance and insurance.
As I've also 2 daughters (the third child is arriving) my spare time isn't so much, but I'm appasionated in informatics. I'm using Linux systems since 2002, mainly Redhat 7-8-9, and Fedora since the first release. In 2004 I realized a small project, which initially was born to help new Fedora users approaching this distribution, called Fedora Online. In the following years the users and community growed constantly and now it's the greatest and most active community in Italy.

  • Language: Italiano, Deutsch, English
  • History of Fedora Online


With my friend Gabriele Trombini in 2008 I decide to write a manual about Fedora, dedicated to who wants to try this fabulous Linux distribution the first time.
"Fedora 9 - Guida al tuo personale sistema Desktop" contains 230 pages and is available only online, reaching a discreet success on the italian market.

Fedora Activities

  • Group member of gitmuffin
  • Try to use Fedora Online as a channel to find more Fedora contributors from Italy
  • In the near future I want to join the Packaging Group