Béninois, IT analyst programmer
Technical Director & Associate STARSOFT INFORMATIQUE Sarl
"With present? Just say that I try to give my contribution to the community in Benin and Africa. "First novice user of Redhat (now Fedora), then Ubuntu (Hoary version), I reinstalled Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake after having lost many months away from the ice to land owners. Since 2009, back to basics, I returned to the Fedora distribution.
And since then, I bring forward to Fedora and the overall open source software.
- Email: mailto: mathias AT houngbo DOT net
- IRC: maths on #fedora and #fedora-fr
- GPG key: Your key ID and/or signature
- Fedora Account: mhoungbo
Activities within Fedora
- start a LocoTeam in Benin