From Fedora Project Wiki
Fedora day in Alexandria
- Fill in the missing parts here
- Who will do what ?
- Give people who will speak some guide poins
- Try to use Fedora presentation templates (Make life more blue :) )
- Don't speak alot about history , it's a little boring
- Don't target technical details all the time
- almost 30 minute is enough for any speaker
- ?
- Location : [Where in Alex ??] , Alexandria
- Date : [??/??/2012 From ??:?? to ??:??]
Event Description
We want to introduce fedora and opensource to people in attractive way, enlighten some new technologies in open source (Android , Some open hardware projects) and Motivate people to join open source
Fedora Representatives
Event Schedule
- Do we need specific Session topics ?
- Do we need to invite speific speakers ?
- ?? ? Who ? From ??:??, To ??:??
- ?? ? Who ? From ??:??, To ??:??
- ?? ? Who ? From ??:??, To ??:??
- ?? ? Who ? From ??:??, To ??:??
- Get ballons
- Create our own iso remaster (This will need some decisions) and tell people to get their flashes and balcnk cds and dvds
- ??
Important Deadlines
- ??
Event Budget
- How much do we need ?
- What to ask fedora to send us ?
- What about the rest of the required money ?
- Things from fedora almost takes up to 4 week shipping and Every thing must be ready (Time, place , speakers, ...) Before we ask for swag
To list all things we think about
- Posters
- Big stand with Fedora logo and our slogan (IN ARABIC)
- Do we need to burn cds ?
- Balloons ?
- Should we print our polo t-shirts, Businesscards ?
- Will we need to prepare our Event box ?
- We need a map and dorections about how get to the event place (Some shtos from wiki mpedia will be good and description )
Event Report
Some photos on flicker and link here will be good