From Fedora Project Wiki

The Fedora Localization Project - Introduce Yourself to the L10N Project

When a new writer/editor/maintainer/coordinator joins the Localization Project, we ask that he/she introduces themselves on the trans mailing list. To sign up for the list, visit trans list signup page. The primary purpose of this is to begin the process of building trust by learning about the translator, and downloading their GPG key.

The purpose of all this is to break anonymity and foster real-world community within the project. You are under no obligation to reveal personal secrets. The objective is to establish a level of trust with yourself and the other members of the project. Then tell us what you would want to know about yourself. :-)

Personal Information
Fedora is a very visible and transparent project, which means that its mailing lists are archived and mirrored in many places on the internet outside of our control. Please use caution when sharing personal information with Fedora on a mailing list, because it is not possible for us to remove any postings from the wider Internet universe after they are sent. For more details, please refer to Fedora's Privacy Policy.

Following is an example of how such an email could look like.

  • Name: Maria Andrada
  • Location: Brisbane, Australia
  • Login: mariaandrada
  • Language: Brazilian Portuguese
  • Profession: Technical Translator at Red Hat