From Fedora Project Wiki
Instruction to run application
This is a translation testing for system-config-kdump
How to test
- Run command
- If not installed, as root run "yum install system-config-kdump". Ignore warning [1] and check menu and other disabled entries
- Check translation and shortcut keys
Note : Don't fail for "Not enough memory" error.
Language | Result [language code] | Bug | Comment |
Example: abcd (ab_cd) | ab_cd ab_cd |
RHBZ #12345 | This is the comment |
Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) | zh_TW |
RHBZ # | "Enable/Disable kdump" not translated |
French (fr_FR)) | fr_FR |
Partially translated only. | |
Italian (it_IT) | it_IT |
Partially translated. | |
Tamil (Ta_IN) | Ta_IN |
Untranslated (Though the file is translated 100%). | |
Spanish (es_ES)) | es_ES |
Translation pass in transifex. Couldn't be tested. | |
Odia (or_IN)) | or_IN |
Couple of strings are untranslated.But upstream status is 100%. | |
Marathi (mr_IN) | mr_IN |
For mr_IN, although system-config-kdump/resource/master/ is 100% localized; "Enable kdump" and "Disable kdump" are still in enlgish. | |
Telugu (te_IN) | te_IN |
For te_IN, although system-config-kdump/resource/master/ is 100% localized; "Enable kdump" and "Disable kdump" are still in enlgish. couple of error messages are in english. "Firmware assisted dump" and "manual settings" strings are in english. | |
Russian (ru_RU) | ru_RU |
Although system-config-kdump/resource/master/ is 100% localized; "Enable kdump" and "Disable kdump" are still in enlgish. couple of error messages are in english. "Firmware assisted dump" and "manual settings" strings are in english. | |
Kannada (kn_IN) | kn_IN |
"Enable kdump" and "Disable kdump" are untranslated. | |
Assamese (as_IN) | as_IN |
"Enable kdump" and "Disable kdump" are untranslated. | |
Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) | zh_CN |
Untranslated strings in menu and Configuration page. | |
Korean (ko_KR) | ko_KR |
Couple of strings are untranslated. but 100% translated in upstream. | |
German (de_DE) | de_DE |
Some strings untranslated. 100% translated upstream. | |
Japanese (ja_JP) | ja_JP |
Mostly translated. but "Firmware assisted dump" and "manual settings" are in English. | |
Gujarati (gu_IN) | gu_IN |
"Enable kdump" and "Disable kdump" are untranslated. |