From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 02:26, 30 November 2012 by Keshavmishra (talk | contribs)

Keshav Kumar

Hello everyone,I am currently persuing my B. Tech. degree in CSE department and i enjoy using ant trying different linux distros and at last i have stuck to fedora as my basic OS. I like to code in C/C++ , PHP and java.I am in mid way to convince my department in order to use fedora as basic OS rather than paying for liscences.

  • Location: Chennai , India
  • Occupation(s): student
  • Current: 3rd year Cse Dept.

My Goals

1) getting involved in promotion of OpenSource as well as Fedora. 2) To enhance the standard and services of Fedora by working with Feodra Team


  • email : keshav_kumar22 AT yahoo DOT in
  • fedora account user-name : keshavnmishra
  • Phone Number: 9543722781
  • twitter handle: @keshav4uall