Tadej Janež
Email: tadej.janez AT tadej.hicsalta.si
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia (UTC+1, +2 during summer)
GitHub: github.com/tjanez
Activities within the Fedora Project
I've been a Fedora user since its first release. Before that I used Red Hat Linux. I switched to it full-time during the 7.2 release cycle (2001).
Currently, I'm a maintainer of PyQwt, python-pebl, techne, billiards and python-meliae. I'm a co-maintainer of ode.
I've also participated in the Fedora test days involving GNOME, Power management and Graphics (X Test Week).
- Machine learning toolkits (with emphasis on ease of use and efficiency)
- recent converter and contributor to scikit-learn
- seasoned Orange user and occasional contributor
- Developer tools (e.g. IDEs, editors, debuggers, profilers)
- System administration and Virtualization (configuration, deployment, maintenance)
- contributed to virt-manager
- Quality assurance (discovering and troubleshooting problems)