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Revision as of 12:46, 21 November 2013 by Obsitos (talk | contribs)


From FedoraProject

Dezső Sándor
<a href="" class="image"><img alt="" src="/" width="140" height="172" class="thumbimage" /></a>
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Zoltan Hoppar
Personal Information
Birthday: 1990.12.13
Home: Kossuth Lajos str. 23., H-6435 Kunbaja Hungary
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: <a class="external text" href="">obsitos</a>
Miscellaneous Information
private Mail:
IRC: Obsitos on <a class="external text" href="">Freenode</a> in
#fedora-hu, #nohup, #kisletra


My name is Sándor Dezső from Hungary, 22 years old. I live in Szeged. I am interested in since I got my first Linux installation CD into your Computer Panorama magazine as an attachment. Last few years always have 2 OS on my PC. I tried a lot Linux distribution from the SuSe throug the Gentoo until the Fedora.(The full list, but not chronologically: Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Puppy Linux, Suse(later OpenSuSe), Gentoo, Mandriva/Mandrake, Fedora)

  • Skype: sandor.dezso.szeged
  • Mobile Phone: to have the number - ask on IRC, or in mail
  • Snailmail: same as on the right

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