From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 15:49, 17 January 2014 by Glenfordfernandes (talk | contribs)

I am Glenford Fernandes, a Software Engineer by profession. I love Fedora as it is a linux distribution and i just love playing around with it..

I have worked and m currently working on technologies like nodeJs, Google App Engine, Android and Rails.

Coding is something i am good at and very passionate about. This is my way of contributing towards the software world.

Being a Fedora ambassador is one way i would love to give back to Fedora the help and support that is deserves as it definetly has given the same to me as a programmer.

This is Glenford!!! Signing off! :) :P


Im on Git ;) ==== >

A Free Software developer interested in Fedora Electronic Lab. At present, I am based out of Pune, Maharashtra, India.



Fedora Activities

  • I hack on anything Free Software. If you are interested in learning or working with me on a Free Software project, please contact me via e-mail.
  • I can also conduct a one-day workshop at your School/College/University/Institute on various topics on Free Software. Please contact me if required.


If you would like me to be a mentor for you, please answer the following when you write an e-mail to me:

Fedora distribution currently in use
Are you working/studying/any other?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
What is your Internet connectivity type and speed?
Interested Fedora sub-project(s) (atleast one, excluding Ambassadors)
Any prior F/OSS work (provide link)
What do you see yourself working in Fedora, six months down the line?
How much time do you intend to spend with Fedora per week?
Read and understood "i-want-2-do-project.tell-me-wat-2-do-fedora"?
Your skillset (technical/non-technical). List them.
What is your school, college mathematics marks?

Personal Information

Shakthi Kannan ("mbuf")

India - APAC

IRC: mbuf

Mail: shakthimaan at fedoraproject dot org

FAS: shakthimaan

Twitter/ shakthimaan

