These are the changes the Fedora Cloud Working Group proposes for Fedora 21. We have organized this list into external dependencies, which represent changes primarily in areas other than the Cloud SIG, and Changes, which we will file using the normal Fedora process. We believe all of the change proposals are self-contained. The external dependencies may also be filed as system-wide changes. Each of these will have at least one Cloud SIG member as a contributor to the effort.
External Dependencies
Some of the things the Fedora Cloud Working Group would like to see require changes that are largely in the areas of other Fedora groups. The enhanced automatic QA features of Taskotron are be an example; web design and marketing are others. For each of these, we will find someone from the Cloud SIG to take responsibility, including contributing effort where applicable.
External Need: Automatic Image Upload
Summary: Whenever an image is built, it is automatically uploaded to our cloud provider targets (EC2, etc.) and to the fedora ftp site (and possibly mirrors if we can convince mirror admins to drink from that firehose)
Importance: vital (current process where rel eng does it by hand will not scale)
Timeframe: whenever we can get it / this adds value whenever it happens
Fedora Sub-Project/SIG: Release Engineering, possibly Infrastructure for resources
Cloud SIG owner: TBD (note summer intern may help with that, if it is not too late)
Possibly we file this as a change. Also see previous intern's initial work:
External Need: Updated Web Site
Summary: Since we are now one of the three top level artifacts Fedora produces, we want to emphasize our unique niche. Updated website with new flashier branding, plus tools for selecting different images for different use cases
Importance: vital (it's basically part of the whole exercise)
Timeframe: F21 release / arguably, having the web site up _is_ the release. And it'd be nice to have earlier, like at the alpha and beta
Fedora Sub-Project/SIG: Websites
Cloud SIG owner: Joe Brockmeier
External Need: Software Collections for Cloud Users
Summary: Provides selection of language stacks of particular versions to users.
Importance: vital (provides a meaningful reason to use Fedora cloud image, and helps insulate against rapid change)
Timeframe: F21 release / This is a requirement of users in production.
Fedora Sub-Project/SIG: Environments and Stacks
Cloud SIG owner: TBD
Draft feature proposal:
External Need: Batched Updates
Summary: We want to produce updated images on a monthly cadence. It would be nice if we could produce those from QA'd bunches of packages.
Importance: moderate (it will be hard to implement image refresh without this, but we could do it)
Timeframe: F21 release + 1 month / Obviously better if we get things lined up earlier
Fedora Sub-Project/SIG: Primarily QA, but Rel Eng and Infrastructure too. This is pretty big.
Cloud SIG owner: TBD (this probably needs someone actively contributing to initial and ongoing work)
See the related Change proposal "(A)Periodic Updates to the Images"
External Need: Automatic Smoketests on Image Build
Summary: When a new image is built in Koji, automatically boot it and run a basic matrix of tests.
Importance: moderate (worst case, we can keep doing this by hand)
Timeframe: F21 alpha / Want to reduce manual test workload
Fedora Sub-Project/SIG: QA and the Taskotran project
Cloud SIG owner: Sandro Mathys
External Need: Scratch Builds on Change
Summary: Whenever the kickstart changes, _or_ an RPM which is on the image hits the tree, a new scratch image is automatically built.
Importance: nice to have (makes development much easier, and makes it quick to spot and fix problems before they affect anyone)
Timeframe: whenever we can get it / this adds value whenever it happens
Fedora Sub-Project/SIG: Release Engineering, possibly Infrastructure for resources
Cloud SIG owner: TBD
(need link to something further -- possibly we file this as a change)
Change Proposals
These are not all yet filed; this list is effectively a statement of intent-to-create, in order to collect feedback and better work together with the other groups involved in each.
Change: Move to ImageFactory For image Creation
Summary: Create images using Anaconda in Koji rather than appliance-creator. Allows non-scratch builds with fedmsg integration for upload service, and also could produce official Docker images.
Importance: vital (basic image creation is nice-to-have, fedmsg integration is important to automation, and producing Docker images is strategically vital)
Timeframe: at least a month lead time before F21 alpha / If we are going to release images made this way, we need them made that way for early testing, and there will be some porting work to the kickstart
Scope: self-contained (work with Rel Eng)
Cloud SIG owner: mattdm
Change: (A)Periodic Updates to the Images
Summary: We want to be able to release updated images not just at release time. Hope for a one-month regular cadence, plus emergency updates if needed.
Importance: vital (People don't like to yum update their images, and since we change so much, doing so is a significant launch delay. let's make it so they don't have to, but still get updates)
Timeframe: F21 final + 1 month / Obviously better if we get things lined up earlier
Scope: self-contained (but depends on bigger changes across the project)
Cloud SIG owner: TBD
Change: Docker Host Image
Summary: Fedora Cloud agreed to make a base image plus several tailored to specific purposes. This is one of the tailored ones — Docker host ready to go.
Importance: moderate (Docker is hot stuff and we need an answer to CoreOS, but if we fail to do it, we are not any worse-off than we are now, and Docker can still be used on the base iamge.)
Timeframe: F21 alpha / If it's not ready for alpha, we have missed this release
Scope: system-wide
Cloud SIG owner: Sandro Mathys
N.B. We may consider Fedora Atomic Initiative for this image, depending on degree of effort on that project across the rest of Fedora.
Change: Adopt-Your-Cattle
Summary: We want to provide a smooth path so a Cloud base image can be turned into Fedora Server
Importance: moderate (Fits the lines we've drawn between the products while still giving people a simple path to running Fedora as a traditional server in a public or private cloud)
Timeframe: F21 beta / This needs testing.
Scope: self-contained (in collaboration with Server WG)
Cloud SIG owner: TBD
Change: Install without i10n / l18n support (w/optional install)
Summary. We need to have a cloud image without the overhead/extra space requirements of i10n / l18n support, but want to provide the option to install these packages if needed. In many cases these are not necessary for images running in the cloud.
Importance. moderate (Should not be overly difficult to implement, but is not a show-stopper if it's not complete by F21.)
Timeframe. F21 alpha / should be at least mostly implemented by alpha or won't be ready for this release.
Scope. self-contained
Cloud SIG owner. mattdm (I already have a conversation open with anaconda and the packaging team)
Change: Install without documentation (w/optional install later)
Summary. In many cases, users will not want documentation on cloud images. We should be able to provide support to create/deliver cloud images without documentation but still have it available for installation if desired.
Importance. moderate
Timeframe. F21 alpha / should be at least mostly implemented by alpha or will not be ready for this release.
Scope. self-contained
Cloud SIG owner. mattdm
Change: Refactor cloud-init
Summary. Cloud Init was initially designed for a different distribution and is only loosely tailored for our needs. As it stands, it pulls in a rather large set of packages not used for other things. It is also written in Python, itself a large subsystem which it would eventually be nice to leave out of the base. Effort is moderate, with some low-hanging fruit which may be addressed easily.
Importance. vital long term, but just moderate for F21 (We really need this, but if we don't get work it now, it's in acceptable shape for this release.)
Timeframe. F21 alpha, or F22 / if we don't make alpha with changes, this can go in next release.
Scope. Self-contained
Cloud SIG owner. TBD
Change: Big Data Image
Summary: Fedora Cloud agreed to make a base image plus several tailored to specific purposes. This is one of the tailored ones, produced in collaboration with the Big Data SIG.
Importance: nice to have (if we fail to do it, we are not any worse-off than we are now, and big data tools can still be used on the base iamge.)
Timeframe: F21 alpha / If it's not ready for alpha, we have missed this release
Scope: self-contained (in collaboration with Big Data SIG)
Cloud SIG owner: TBD
Change: OpenShift Out-of-the-Box Image
Summary: Fedora Cloud agreed to make a base image plus several tailored to specific purposes. This is one of the tailored ones — OpenShift ready to run.
Importance: nice to have (if we fail to do it, we are not any worse-off than we are now, and OpenShift can still be installed on the base iamge.)
Timeframe: F21 alpha / If it's not ready for alpha, we have missed this release
Scope: self-contained (in collaboration with OpenShift developers)
Cloud SIG owner: TBD
Change: Docker Container Image
Summary: This is Fedora running inside Docker. Currently, there are non-official images in the docker index, but we'd like them to really come out of release engineering.
Importance: nice to have (The unofficial image situation is not ideal. Plus, this is an area where we can show leadership.)
Timeframe: F21 alpha / If it's not ready for alpha, we have missed this release
Scope: self-contained
Cloud SIG owner: TBD (mattdm to kick things off)
Change: Cloud-Friendly Kernel Packaging
Summary: Modules that are not necessary in virtualized environments become optionally installable
Importance: nice-to-have
Timeframe: F21 beta / need widespread testing to make sure nothing really needed is left out
Scope: self-contained (kernel team with input/feedback from cloud)
Cloud SIG owner: Sandro Mathys
Change: Modularized SELinux Packaging
Summary: Monolith SELinux policy has rules for everything that could exist, not just that which is installed. Possible room for reduction here.
Importance: nice-to-have
Timeframe: F21 or F22 / This is not low-hanging fruit.
Scope: self-contained (SELinux)
Cloud SIG owner: TBD
(No Feature filed at this time -- discuss with SELinux policy maintainers)
Post-Fedora 21 Plans
Image or Image Template Library
Summary. In addition to the basic tooling for image creation, we want to enable sharing of user-created images and their recipies. This may apply to Docker or other container images in addition to images targetted at full virtualization.
Importance. vital (Post-Fedora 21 when the rest of the tooling/work settles, it will be crucial to offer users ready-made templates and help create a larger community around building images for Fedora.)
Timeframe. This should be targeted post-Fedora 21 and be ready by F22 or before. Depends on work landing in F21, so delivery before that is unlikely.
Scope. Depends on several features targeted for F21.
Dropping 32-bit x86, adding ARM
Summary. Initially, we will target 32 and 64-bit x86. As ARM-based cloud systems become available, we will add ARM images. We may consider dropping 32-bit x86 in the future.
Importance. vital (We want to be a leader in ARM. And, dropping 32-bit x86 will free up resources.)
Timeframe. Post-F21 for ARM, because ARM is not yet widespread (even among early adopters and innovators) in public or private clouds. We may consider dropping 32-bit x86 for F21 if other products are doing so as well.
Scope. self-contained