zodbot is a supybot instance connected to the irc.freenode.net IRC network and joined to many Fedora-related IRC channels.
zodbot runs on the value01.fedoraproject.org host, hosted by Fedora infrastructure.
This page describes what zodbot does and how it can be used by those with the permissions to operate it. Most functions do not require any special permissions. Those the do are noted as such.
Addressing zodbot
zodbot watches for . as its prefix, so if you want to query it in a channel, you will need to add . to the beginning of any of the listed commands below. If you wish to avoid chatter in channel from zodbot, you can address zodbot directly. You may wish to do this in channels with a large number of users or if you have a number of queries. For example:
/msg zodbot whoowns fedora-release
for a single query, or
/query zodbot whoowns fedora-release
for an extended conversation.
Fedora-specific functions
- badges username (badges)
- Returns the number of Fedora Badges held by a user.
- branches package_name (pkgdb)
- Returns the branches of a package.
- bug bug_number (RH bugzilla)
- Return the name and URL of a Red Hat Bugzilla ticket.
- fas query (fas)
- Searches the Fedora Account System database in usernames, emails, full names, and IRC nicks. (Note that some accounts have enabled privacy, so nothing but their FAS username will be searchable.)
- fasinfo account_name (fas)
- Provides detailed Fedora Account System information about the specific account name. This requires an exact username.
- fesco ticket_number (fesco)
- Return the name and URL of a FESCo ticket.
- group group_name (fas)
- Return information about a Fedora Account System group.
- members group_name (fas)
- Return a list of members of the specified group.
- nextmeeting channel_name (fedocal)
- Return the next meeting scheduled to occur in a given channel.
pingall message
Ping everyone in the IRC channel.
- pulls organization/repository
- Return the list of open pull requests on a GitHub repository.
- quote symbol period (fedmsg)
- Return statistics on fedmsg activity for different services.
- refresh
- Refresh the necessary caches. This requires special permissions
- sponsors group_name (fas)
- Provides a list of sponsors for an exact group name, with @ indicating administrators of the group.
- swbug bug_number (SW bugzilla)
- Return the name and URL of a Sourceware Bugzilla ticket.
- swedish (zodbot)
- Bot version. (Humor mmcgrath.)
- ticket ticket_number (infrastructure)
- Return the name and URL of a Fedora Infrastructure ticket.
- vacation
- Returns the list of who is currently on vacation according to fedocal.
- what package_name (pkgdb)
- Returns a description of a package.
- whoowns package_name (pkgdb)
- Returns the FAS account of the owner of a package. To get directly the fasinfo of the owner, you can use: fasinfo [whoowns package_name]
- wikilink account_name (fas)
- Return MediaWiki link syntax for a FAS user's page on the wiki.
Koji-specific functions
- builders - returns a list of build machines enabled and disabled.
- building <builder> - returns what is building on builder number <builder>
- taskload - lists number of current koji tasks.
- buildload - lists load on all koji build cluster.
Meeting Functions
zodbot has the supybot-meetbot plugin package installed and configured. See: the MeetBot wiki page for more information on the meeting commands. Meeting logs will be at meetbot.fedoraproject.org.
In general for meetings using the plugin, you will want to use this sequence of commands:
- #startmeeting - start the meeting.
- #meetingname <meeting-name> - Usually the name of the team meeting (example: fesco).
- #meetingtopic <topic> - overall meeting topic (example: FESCo meeting)
- #topic <currenttopic> - Use topic to go through each of the topics in your agenda. The main meetingtopic will stay the same.
- #action, #accepted, #agreed, #chair, #help, #idea, #info, #link, #rejected, etc. - as needed in the meeting. (#commands will provide a full list of available commands.)
- #endmeeting
zodbot also has some aliases setup to list the time until various meetings:
nextfescomeeting, nextkdemeeting, nextepelmeeting, nextinframeeting, nextrelengmeeting, etc. These commands will list the time until the next meeting of that sig or group.
Meeting admin commands
These all require special permissions to run.
- addchair channel freenode nick - Add a chair to a meeting. Useful if you need to end a meeting that someone has going in a channel that they forgot to end.
- listmeetings - list the currently in-progress meetings
- deletemeeting channel freenode - used to end a meeting. Contrary to the name, it saves the meeting first, unless you specify False as the last parameter
- recent - list recent meetings
- savemeetings - save all currently active meetings
zodbot blew up while it was logging my meeting, what can I do?
First, go to meetbot.fedoraproject.org and find the incomplete log of your meeting. Then extract the remainder of the log from your IRC client and save that to a text file. The log must end with somebody saying "#endmeeting". Please do not upload HTMLified logs.
Go to the Fedora Infrastructure Trac, login with your FAS account, and click "New Ticket" at the top. Mention that your meeting log is incomplete and the meetbot.fedoraproject.org URL of the incomplete log. Also include the URL for the Zodbot Infrastructure SOP for the convenience of the person processing the ticket. Click "I have files to attach to this ticket," then click "Submit ticket." Attach the remainder of the log.
Other useful commands
- seen <nick> - returns the last time nick was seen in that channel and what they were saying.
- any <nick> - returns the last time nick was in any channel zodbot is in and what they were saying.
Source code
The source code for the Fedora extensions are available in the supybot-fedora git repository.
Additional Reading
More general information on supybot can be found in the excellent supybook.
For any questions about zodbot, please ask in #fedora-admin.
Bugs and feature requests can also be reported in the Fedora Infrastructurce trac using the component General.