From Fedora Project Wiki

Fedora Day Buenos Aires 2014


Event to promote the Fedora and related projects (Gluster, oVirt, Openshift, Openstack etc) in Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Kickstart event to promote the city as candidate to host FUDCon 2015.


  • Dec 13, 2014


UTN - Facultad Regional Buenos Aires - Medrano 951 - CABA



Name Tasks
Leonardo Vaz Conference organization, Lodging and Budget
Rino Rondan Conference organization, Local support
Matias Kreder Conference organization, Local support


Task Responsible Comments Status
Find a place for the conference Everybody Rino did it! Done!!
Conference Website Rino Rondan, Leonardo Vaz Let's ask Echeverria to help here In progress
Organize conference program Rino Rondan, Matias Kreder We need it to announce in conference website!! Pending
Raise tickets to request travel budget Leonardo Vaz Must be done before Nov 19! Pending
Conference swag material Mariela Gigante Pending
Promote the conference Mariela Gigante , Ivan Wainberg Pending

Conference Program

Fedora contributors attending the event

Name City Tasks at conference Travel budget USD Lodging?
Leonardo Vaz Sao Paulo, Brazil Organization, talks, etc - No
Rino Rondan Campana , Argentina Organization, talks, workshops, etc - No
Matias Kreder Buenos Aires , Argentina Organization, talks, workshops, etc - No
Matias Maceira Cordoba, Argentina Talks, workshops, etc 200 USD Yes
Valentin Basel Cordoga, Argentina Talks, workshops, etc 200 USD Yes
Emanuel Nazzeta Cordoba, Argentina Talks, workshops, etc 200 USD Yes
Julio Sanchez Tierra del Fuego , Argentina Talks, workshops, etc 400 USD Yes
Adrian Soliard Entre Rios, Argentina Talks, workshops, etc 80 USD Yes
Fabio Leite Chapecó, Brazil Talks, workshops, etc - No
Douglas Landgraf Porto Alegre, Brazil Talks, workshops, etc - No
Eduardo Echeverria Valencia, Venezuela Talks, workshops, etc 1142 USD from valencia, 956 from colombia No

Activities at Fedora Day Buenos Aires


  • Fedora 21 release party
  • Talks on Fedora and related projects (40 minutes slot)
  • Workshops (90 min slot)

Talks and Workshops

Activity Speaker(s) Details
Fedora Ambassador Role Rino Rondan y Matias Kreder Requirements and tasks for to be a Fedora Ambassador
A brief Description of Docker in Fedora Rino Rondan What is docker? How i can use it? First steps to use this kind of virtualization.
Dockerizing your distributed applications Eduardo Echeverria How distribute your application thruought containers,provisioning dependencies and start up over development or production environments.
Configure OpenStack to enable Docker Eduardo Echeverria Docker is a way of managing multiple containers on a single machine. However used behind Nova makes it much more powerful since it’s then possible to manage several hosts, which in turn manage hundreds of containers.
Packaging for Fedora Rino Rondan, Matias Kreder Eduardo Echeverria First steps to know what we need to package on Fedora, Sponsoring new packagers .
Fedora Robotics and Education Valentin Basel Icaro is a hardware and software development, part of the official FEDORA packages designed for teaching robotics in schools using free software and hardware. I want to give a workshop on robotics classroom FISL, for teachers and students.

Last year a robot to carry demonstrations in the booth installed FEDORA and had very good results with the general public

oVirt Project Douglas Landgraf Talk on oVirt Project.
Building an inexpensive and scalable storage system powered by ARM and GlusterFS Leonardo Vaz How build an inexpensive and scalable storage system powered by ARM, commodity hard drivers powered by Linux and GlusterFS.
Local filesystem in Linux Kernel Leonardo Vaz The current status of local filesystem in Linux Kernel, focusing in ext4, XFS and Btrfs.
Making things happen: How to contribute to Fedora Fabio Olive Leonardo Vaz Understanding how Fedora project works you can find a way to get involved
Beyond the 4 Fs: What is Fedora effectively doing for Open Source? Fabio Olive Leonardo Vaz Fedora turned 10 in 2013 and this is the story so far.
Virtualization and Cloud Matias Kreder Review of most of the virtualization and cloud technologies and tools shipped with the Fedora distribution
Fedora ARM and Pidora Matias Kreder Summary of supported ARM devices and architectures and how to run Fedora on some ARM devices like the HummingBoard and Raspberry Pi (Pidora)
Business Models Matias Maceira
Bandwidth control with Free Software Matias Maceira
Iptables - Firewall - QOS Matias Maceira
Seguridad Adrian Soliard
Fedora y GNU/Linux en ambitos empresariales Julio Sanchez


  • Printed conference program
  • Badges for participants
  • Fedora and other projects stickers

Travel information

Getting in conference place from Ministro Pistarini International Airport


Getting in conference place from Buenos Aires Bus Station


Hotels close the venue


Public transportation in CABA



At the moment we're looking for local sponsors, and we're probably going to request budget to the project to fund travel expenses for the volunteers going to Buenos Aires the conference and requests must be done through |LATAM ticket tracker.


Description Cost in USD People Sponsored
Airfare subsidy 500 Julio Sanchez
Bus subsidy 80 Adrian Soliard
Car subsidy 200 Matias Maceira, Valentin Basel, Emanuel Nazzeta
Lodging subsidy Pending Julio Sanchez, Adrian Soliard, Valentin Basel
Total 780
  • Considering 1.00 USD = 8.50 ARS in Oct 2013

Event Reports