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Plan of Events for FY2016

This page should help us plan events in EMEA better. Instead of just listing events, we should have an idea what kind of audience we can approach there, what our reach would be, if the event has our target audience.


  • The fiscal year 2016 starts on March 1 2015 and ends on February 29 2016, please add only events which take place between those days.
  • Add only "sizable" events which needs some planning, or budget, or we should have under our radar. Don't add events such as a monthly gathering of local user group although we encourage you attend such events and promote Fedora there.
  • Date - you don't need to know an exact date, many events announce it just a couple of months before, but you should know the month, or at least the quarter when it will take place. If you're not sure that the event will take place, don't hesitate and write organizers and ask them. We have had a lot of events we budgeted money for, they didn't take place, and we lost the money. You should be sure that the event will most likely take place.
  • Name, Location - pretty self-explanatory :)
  • Event Owner - before we include an event to our plans and allocate money to it, we need to know who will take care of the organization of Fedora presence there, events that are not assigned to anyone can't get funding.
  • Description - describe the event, topics covered, size, importance,...
  • Audience - estimate the number of attendees and specify what kind of audience it is, this should help us determine whom to target there and what flavor/spin promote there.
  • Justification - explain why Fedora should be at the event and invest in sending people there, what are opportunities and benefits.
  • Expense - specify budget estimation to have adequate presence there.

If you have any questions, contact Jiri Eischmann.

Date Name Location Event Owner Description Audience Justification Expense
March 7-8 InstallFest 2015 Prague, Czech Republic Miro Hrončok A two-day conference devoted to Linux and open source technologies at the campus of the biggest technical university in the country. 200, mostly computer science students The attendees are our primary target audience for Workstation. It also makes sense to promote Server there, too $0
March? Open Source Weekend Bratislava, Slovakia Jiri Eischmann A two-day conference on various Linux and open source topics. Organized by the Slovak Society for Open Technologies. Located at the campus of two big technical universities 100-150, mostly students and university teachers, but also some developers and admins from the enterprise sector It's the only sizable Linux/FLOSS event in Slovakia, so if we want to build awareness in this country, we should be there, it's also attended by our target audience $50
March 21-22 Chemnitzer Linux Tage 2015 Chemnitz, Germany Joerg Simon The Chemnitzer Linux days are an event for everyone about Linux and open source. The place is Chemnitz, the CLUG, the Computer Center and the faculty of computer science at the TU Chemnitz and many volunteers make it happen. Talks, Demonstrations, Live Workshops, and Projects who present themselves. 3000+ Event with a long tradition, true FOSS Spirit, all major players are there - not showing up as project would decrease visibility in the german FOSS/Linux-Eco System $1300
April? Open Source Days Copenhagen, Denmark Robert Scheck General Linux, BSD and Open Source conference in Denmark, usually as a two-day event. 500-1000 people, mostly users and developers, but also students It is a yearly regional event, the largest and probably only Open Source related conference in Denmark, visitors are mostly from Denmark or southern Sweden. There is usually a lot of interest for hardware related development and Linux, primarily promote Fedora Workstation there. $1000
April? 3D Expo Prague, Czech Republic Miro Hrončok A two day expo and conference devoted to desktop 3D printing and related technologies. 300, makers and designers, hardware hackers We can promote Fedora Workstation to makers, especially promote our 3D printing stack $120
April 17-19 PyCon Italy Florence, Italy Robert Mayr PyCon Italia is the national conference where professionals, reasearchers and lovers of the most beautiful programming language, gather together. Starting from this edition, PyCon Italy will change its structure: it becomes a multithematic event which gathers the most important subcommunities within the Python universe. 400, mostly developers but also students. We want to show how to use Fedora as development distribution for Python Developers and will also give a talk about this topic. $1200 (probably need 1400$)
May 7-9 LinuxWochen Vienna Vienna, Austria Sirko Kemter $1000
May 9-10 OSCAL Tirana, Albania Giannis Konstantinidis International conference held in Albania, organized to promote software freedom, open source software, free culture and open knowledge. ~400 Last year we had a great presence. Been invited again this year. Targeting students and young people. Good opportunity to promote Fedora, have an impact in the region and help build a local community. $400
May 16-18 DORS/CLUC Zagreb, Croatia Zacharias Mitzelos Largest open source software conference in Croatia, organized by main local FLOSS associations. Several hundred We have not been covering countries of former Yugoslavia at all, this is probably the best event to start. $700
?? Greek Community Conference ??, Greece ?? $500
End of April PlayIT Budapest, Hungary Rákosi Gergely It mostly targets having fun, and gaming - but there's also presentations, and a huge expo like gadget parade, and trade-show as well. This includes the biggest corporations, gaming contests, with huge IT press presence. Audience is mostly young people with an interest in gaming. Expected attendance is around 15000 Last year we managed to introduce Fedora to a whole new group in Hungary, gamers. They were very interested in the Leap-Motion device we brought there. We believe our reattendance will help spread Fedora among younger users. $1200
Summer? BarCamp Blackpool Blackpool, UK Jon Archer Two day unconference based in the North of England 250-300 developers, users, makers $762 (£500)
August 22-24 LVEE Grodno, Belarus Aleksandra Fedorova International conference of developers and users of free / open source software 160, mostly developers $400
August 23-24 FrOSCon Sankt Augustin, Germany Felix Kaechele $2000
October 3-4 Linux Days Prague, Czech Republic Jiri Eischmann One of the largest events in the country devoted to Linux and FLOSS, highlighted topics: networking, administration, makers (3D printing workshops etc), there is always a Gentoo track 600, mostly students, admins, users It's an important regional event Fedora should not miss to maintain awareness among users and target technical students as our target audience, we should primarily promote Workstation and Server there. $0
October 5-7 LinuxCon Europe Dublin, Ireland Jiri Eischmann Three-day conference with a broad range of topics around Linux, organized by the Linux Foundation, usually co-hosted with other conferences shuch as KVM Forum 1400, enterprise users (developers, admins, architects,...), upstream developers LinuxCon is one of a few Linux events in Europe where we can meet enterprise users, we should primarily promote Server and Cloud at this event (co-hosted with OpenCloud), it's also a good event for networking with various upstream projects $2000
October? Bar Camp Manchester Manchester, UK Jon Archer Two day unconference based in the North of England 250, developers, users, makers $762 (£500)
October? OggCamp TBC, UK Jon Archer UKs largest open source event, 2 day unconference 400 developers, users, makers $1525 (£1000)
October? T-DOSE Eindhoven, Netherlands Rubén Guerra Marín It is a free and yearly 2-days event held in The Netherlands to promote use and development of Open Source Software. 500 people, mostly developers and students. It is the biggest FLOSS event in the Netherlands, and people from Belgium and Germany also come. We should promote mainly workstation and server flavors. It is the main way to get to dutch people. $200
November? FSCONS Gothenburg, Sweden Robert Scheck Nordic countries' largest gathering for free culture, free software and a free society, taking place as 2.5 day conference. 250-350 people, mostly students or (upstream) developers It is the only Linux and Open Source related event/conference in Sweden, however not purely dedicated to free software, bridging the gap between free software and cultural freedom. Attendees are mostly from Sweden, but also from the other Scandinavian countries (including Iceland and Denmark). Our attendance keeps us visible, primarily promote Workstation there. $1300
November 7-8 OpenAlt Brno, Czech Republic Jiri Eischmann A two-day conference devoted to Linux and open source, but recently trying to expand to other fields: open government, open education, makers, Red Hat and Fedora has traditionally a strong presence there due to a large engineering office in the same city. 500, mostly students, users It's an important regional event Fedora should not miss to maintain awareness among users and target technical students as our target audience, we should primarily promote Workstation there. $0
November 7-8 OpenRheinRuhr Oberhausen, Germany Felix Kaechele $400
End of November OSOL Conference (SFD Szeged) Szeged, Hungary Levente Kurusa A one-day conference with a broad scope of targetted people: admins, developers, beginners, and all in between are welcome. The day features interesting topics from all the open source and free software world, and many workshops as well. 300, open source users and many students This is the single biggest free software event in Hungary. We need to attend to raise awareness of Fedora. $500
December 27-30 Chaos Communication Congress Hamburg, Germany Till Maas Very large annual meeting of the international hacking scene Makers, IT security researchers, free software enthusiasts. There are people of every age (including kids). More than 10.000 visitors can be expected for 2015. This is a great event to present Fedoras security features (using security features from the compiler to build packages, the security spin) and possibilities for makers (e.g. 3D printing possibilites, embedded device (development) support). $2000
January 30-31 FOSDEM Brussels, Belgium Jiri Eischmann The largest gathering of open source enthusiasts in Europe, all important open source projects are present there, Fedora usually has a dev room there. 7000, open source developers, powerusers This is a must event for Fedora because of the high number of FLOSS contributors, great opportunity to get Fedora contributors together, present our technologies to our target audiences and do networking with other projects, mainly our upstreams, we should primarily promote Workstation, but Server and Cloud may also find their audiences there. $3000
February 5-7 Brno, Czech Republic Jiri Eischmann The largest technical conference of Red Hat, over 100 talks and workshops covering Red Hat-related technologies, one day is devoted to Fedora and after Flock it's the largest gathering of Fedora contributors and serves as a planning event, too. 1000, mostly redhatters, but also independent contributors, and contributors from other companies, also enterprise users There is not much room to do outreach because most attendees are aware of and even familiar with Fedora, it's an opportunity to meet contributors from other projects Red Hat is involved in and even with RH contributors to Fedora who don't otherwise attend Fedora events, it's also an opportunity to promote Fedora to enterprise users who attend the event for information about RH technologies. $0


  • Number of events: 20
  • Countries covered: Czech Republic (5), Germany (3), Hungary (2), Denmark, Italy, Austria, Greece, Belgium, Ireland, Sweden, UK, Belarus, Netherlands.
  • Total number of attendees covered: 10,860
  • Total requested funding: $17,120
  • Topics covered: Linux/FOSS 16 (events), cloud (2), 3D printing, programming language, gaming, bar camp


  • No events outside Europe, nothing in Africa, Middle East, or Russia!
  • No events in large countries such as France, Spain, Poland.
  • The Central Europe seems to be well-covered, but we don't cover the Balkans (former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania) at all, also just one event in Eastern Europe (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine,...), just two events in Scandinavia and none in the Baltic countries.
  • We're still heavily focused on traditional Linux and FOSS events where the audience usually already knows us, we should expand to other fields we can do an actual outreach (events for developers, makers,...) and where our target audience is.