Shatadru Bandyopadhyay | |
Personal Information | |
Birthday: | Jan 6th 1992 |
Birthplace: | {{{birthplace}}} |
Home: | Kolkata,India |
Fedora-specific Information | |
FAS-Name: | shatadru |
Fedora-Mail: | |
Miscellaneous Information | |
private Mail: |, |
GPG-Key: | {{{gpg}}} |
Homepage: | {{{homepage}}} |
Twitter: | {{{twitter}}} | | {{{}}} |
Diaspora: | {{{diaspora}}} |
Jabber: | {{{jabber}}} |
Facebook: | shatadru001 |
IRC: | shatadru,sbandyop on Freenode in |
#fedora-design,#fedora-india,#fedora | |
Shatadru Bandyopadhyay
Currently working as Assistant Technical Support Engineer (Intern) at Red Hat Inc.
Highly motivated and believer in Collaborative and innovative work. I am inspired by Open Source world and the collaborative projects like Linux and GNU.
A part of Fedora Open Source Community, a Red Hat Certified Engineer.
I like working with Red Hat and feels great to share knowledge with Open Source and Red Hat.
I like to design logos , banners etc . Art is my passion .
When it comes to OS I prefer Fedora for its cool graphics , GUI , powerful package manager and its blue theme ( ;) )
Truely speaking a I use Photoshop mostly for designing and editing , I know its not FOSS but it have something probably no app can beat (I will be happy if any FOSS can beat it from all perspective)
Recently am using Inkspace ,GIMP for graphics designing . I do web designing to some extent using HTML/Javascript/CSS/PHP/MYSQL.
Any FOSS developer can contact me for logo,banner,web design purpose . Or just can use design-team mailing list or file a ticket on design-team
Contact Info
Email :,
Private mail :
IRC : shatadru/sbandyop on freenode
Special Interests
1. Performance tuning 2. Troubleshooting
Current Activities
- Member of Fedora Design team
- Graphics designing for gopenvpn. More info at gopenvpn needs some new icons
none yet (releted to fedora)