I'm a full-time high school student, participating in Debate and Scholars' Bowl. I found Fedora early in 2007 and have stuck with it since, even after trying other distributions and being a Mac user for about ten years.
I decided to become a contributor just because I wanted to see flam3 available for yum. Turns out that I've helped more than I thought I really ever was capable of doing.
- Email: ianweller@gmail.com
- IRC: ianweller -- I usually hang out in #fedora-devel, #fedora-admin, #fedora-art, #fedora-websites, #fedora-social, and #fedora-mktg on freenode
- GPG key: Key ID 0xEFA84A36 on subkeys.pgp.net
- Fedora Account: ianweller
Activities within Fedora
- I'm a package maintainer. I mainly decided to become one because there are a few pieces of open source software out there that I think all of Fedora should be able to install easily.
- If you find some program that you'd like to see packaged for Fedora shoot me an e-mail and I'll see what I can do.
List of packages maintained by ianweller
I do some random things. 'Nuff said.
Migration to MediaWiki
I helped out Infrastructure with the migration from MoinMoin to MediaWiki. Hey, at least it doesn't suck anymore ;)
Now I work with the DocsProject on reorganization.