Dirección: Paseo de Reforma s/n Esquina Lieja, Colonia Juárez, C.P. 06600, Mexico D.F.
Locación: Centro De Cultura Digital
Referencia: Bajo la Estela de Luz cerca de la estación del Metro Chapultepec Linea 1 rosa
Descripción del evento
FLISoL Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre en su onceava edición, es el evento de difusión de software libre más grande en latino américa. En el podrás disfrutar de ponencias, talleres y debates, tendrás la oportunidad de instalar software libre en tu computadora, informarte sobre la filosofía, cultura y organización alrededor del Software libre.
Además podrás aclarar tus dudas acerca de los temas relacionados.
En esta ocasión la sede del evento sera, el Centro de Cultura Digital, en la ciudad De México.
Fedora Representatives List the Fedora people here who are representing Fedora at this event including links to their personal wiki pages. When possible note the capacity in which each person will be representing the project. Some might be helping at the booth, others might be speaking, others might be running special Fedora activities at the event, etc.
Event Schedule
Event Schedule List here the important parts of the event schedule relevant to Fedora activites including when a booth might be staffed, when Fedora contributors are giving talks, when special activities are happening, etc.
Ideas/Brainstorming Use this section to brainstorm ideas about things to do at the event.
Important Deadlines
Important Deadlines Use this section to remember and meet important planning deadlines.
Event Budget
Event Budget Use this section to identify and record any budget requirements for your event. This is a critical part of event planning and helps the Fedora Project use its budget effectively. Often this part of an events page changes frequently as planning develops. Please keep it up to date. List everything that you need Fedora to provide so there aren't any surprises at the last minute.
Event Funding by the Fedora Project This section is often used to approve funding requests. As such it needs to be as accurate as possible. After the event it is important to update this section to document the actual costs of the event for our tracking and to aid us in planning future budgets.
Travel Subsidy Requests
Travel Subsidy Requests Each attendee requesting travel subsidies for the event should be listed here including the information requested in Sponsoring Event Attendees.
Event Funding by the Fedora Project This section is often used to approve funding of travel subsidy requests. As such it needs to be as accurate as possible. After the event it is important to update this section to document the actual costs of the travel for our tracking and to aid us in planning future budgets.
Event Report
Event Report Please use this section to document and report about the event. Nice things to see in this section are blog posts about the event, pictures from the event, and anything else that might be valuable to showing the success of our participation in the event. If there were any "lessons learned" or problems that others might benefit from seeing please do include those here too. Some general information about report expectations can be found on the Event Reports page.