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Momčilo "Momo" Medić
Momčilo "Momo" Medić
Momčilo "Momo" Medić
Momčilo "Momo" Medić
Personal Information
Born: 12.07.1983. in Livno, BiH
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: fedorauser
Miscellaneous Information
GPG-Key: 86868FF9
IRC: FedoraUser on Libera.Chat, in:
#fedora, #fedora-ambassadors, #fedora-rs (and others)
Badges (37)
Crypto Badger White Rabbit Ambassador Bona Fide Junior Editor Curious Penguin (Ask Fedora II) Flock 2019 Attendee Let's have a party (Fedora 40) Let Me Introduce Myself Involvement Tadpole Egg Speak Up! Baby Badger Nuancier (F22) Junior Badger (Badger I) Tadpole with Legs Froglet You’re on a boat! In Search of the Bull (Tester I) nest-attendee-2020 Adult Frog FOSDEM 2023 Attendee FOSDEM 2024 Attendee Embryo Science (Kernel Tester I) Origin Nuancier F23 Bloggin' it! (Planet I) Macaron (Cookie I) Curious Penguin (Ask Fedora I) Nuancier F25 Associate Badger (Badger 1.5) Let's have a party (Fedora 27) Fedora 27 Release Partygoer Paranoid Panda It's a Cake Thing

What is essential to know about me?

I am very friendly and always in good mood!

You are always more than welcome to contact me!

Another pretty important thing is that I changed my job, and the new one is taking up too much time. My contributions are down to a minimum, but I am still trying to promote Fedora and Free Software on every step I take. I am still managing to send out a tweet every couple days (FedoraSrbija), follow magazine articles, read up on community blog and attend occasional ambassadors meeting. I am trying to squeeze in a release party and booths at the events, but it is challenging.

Current goals:

- Promote Fedora in Serbia

- Create and maintain Fedora Serbia website, forum, irc

- Strengthen Fedora presence in regional events

- Help translate Fedora in Serbian

- Package and maintain OBS-Studio

- Package and maintain Great Little Radio Player

- Start local LUG

There may be someone who is alredy doing some of these projects and if so, please make sure to contact me if I don't find you first! :)

I want to provide and receive as much help as possible. So uniting with people with same goals is a key for me.

Details about what I've done so far regarding goals:

Promote Fedora in Serbia

Serbia is, unfortunately, Windows heavy environment. It is because many of reasons: lack of proper education, strong communities, people involved with FLOSS, government deals with Microsoft, piracy, etc... I can not address all of these issues, but can work on some.

I started promoting Fedora just by using it on every computer that I own and introducing it to my friends and family.

In January 2015. I became Fedora Ambassador for Serbia and I hope to fulfil expectations that that title carries. I am now starting to plan on organizing release parties, giving talks and attending events on a regular basis.

Create and maintain Fedora Serbia website, forum, irc

I found #fedora-rs and it was active since 2013. I joined there to offer my help, support and moderation. This should be the best place for Serbian speaking people to seek help. Embedding that irc room into future Fedora Serbia website would be pretty awesome ;)

Help translate Fedora in Serbian

Finished complete translating of 'Essential parts' before releasing Fedora 21. Continuing translating of 'Other important parts' and 'websites' of Fedora.

I know it is quite a goal, but I hope to make Fedora 100% translated in Serbian language! Here I don't talk about having Zanata show 100%, as there are some read-only projects, some huge ones that are not needed, and so on. Instead, I want to have every word on screen translated starting with Anaconda and afterwards. I would consider that full translation.

Package and maintain OBS-Studio

I have submitted the package for the review and currently am waiting for resutls. You can see current progress here.