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Fedora Ambassador Day EMEA 2008

LOCATION: Basel, Switzerland *

DATES: Friday November 14 - Sunday November 16

  • Basel was chosen by MaxSpevack and SandroMathys after weighing various options, including travel distance and time for people all over Europe. We recognize that some people who want to attend may need travel sponsorship, and MaxSpevack will make sure that we have some budget set aside for that. Please contact him with questions. It was a difficult decision and the votes were split, but we did what we thought was best overall.


  • TBD after we choose a location

Responsible Ambassadors


Now that we have a location, please indicate whether or not you will be able to attend.


  1. Sandro Mathys
  2. MaxSpevack


  1. GeroldKassube (depends on the location and my personal money situation)
  2. FabianAffolter
  3. AntonArapov (much prefer Stuttgart :) )
  4. JoergSimon
  5. Robert M. Albrecht (only in Amsterdam, traveling to Basel is too expensive)
  6. GianlucaVarisco
  7. FrancescoCrippa
  8. FrancescoUgolini
  9. RobertScheck
  10. Christoph Wickert (if possible, depends on time and location)
  11. Henrik Heigl (if possible, depends on money situation)
  12. Peter Reuschlein (if possible time / money thing)
  13. Marco Ziesing (if possible time / money thing)
  14. ThomasCanniot (if possible time / money / new employer favour thing)
  15. ChristosBacharakis (depends on time and location)
  16. Jeroen van Meeuwen

Business Agenda

Feel free to add important topics to the list. But keep in mind, that we're very limited in time!

  • Status update for FOSDEM 2009.
  • Planning the Fedora EMEA priorities for March 2009 - February 2010, to coincide with Red Hat's budget year.
    • Two major events
      • FUDCon EMEA 2009
      • One other (maybe LinuxTag)
    • Various mid-level events
    • Make it easy for ambassadors to organize small events in their countries
  • What do we want to focus on in addition to events?
  • What do we need from Red Hat?
  • What are the biggest problems Fedora faces in EMEA?
  • How are our smaller communities doing?

Fun Agenda

Feel free to add your own ideas. Please note, that we most probably won't make this decision public before the FAD has begun - see it as a little surprise. We might or might not take anything that was suggested here. But your ideas are a great help for brainstorming, anyway.


  • Augusta Raurica (old Roman city) -- red
  • Feldschloesschen Brewery, which is inside a very nice castle -- red
  • Eat some local food speciality -- GeroldKa / red


  • MaxSpevack has indicated that he can provide at least 500 EUR budget for this event. As we get closer, the number may go up. Budget will be used for travel subsidies, lodging subsidies, food, and some fun event.